Barb Ling here and … SO NICELY DONE!!
==> EZ Pin Traffic PLR!
Your Benefits: You get a Business in a Box extremely *hot* topic you can brand/profit from (and keep 100% of the profits!)
Brief, pithy and to the point:
I simply *love* how Jason personalizes these Businesses in Boxes.
That really does cover it!
I mean, check out these titles:
Video 1: Introduction
While everyone else is pinning their hearts out and wondering why it’s not converting, you’re going to be doing something else. In this video, we’re going to make sure you have the right mindset, so you can successfully implement this strategy. The goal is to ensure you’re not thinking like everyone else. You’ll get an idea of what tools you’ll need as well.
Video 2: The Platform
Before we get started, it’s crucial that we’re on the same page. You’re excited about learning how to use Pinterest to get traffic, but to ensure your success is high – we want to make sure you’re hitting the bullseye or at least close to it. Part of understanding how to get traffic from Pinterest and convert it, is understanding how it ticks. How it’s different from others is crucial and is a much-overlooked
part of the process.
Video 3: Quality Is Key
Once you understand how Pinterest works and what type of people go to it, we’ll talk about the images that you add to these boards. It’s obvious that you’ll be competing with 1000’s of other businesses or individuals, so your images and other visual content must be extremely high quality. But how do you go about creating these high-quality images? What if you don’t have the funds to hire a graphic designer?
Where do you go? What do you do?
Video 4: Congruency
When it comes to creating a funnel that generates traffic and converts it into sales, it comes down to congruency. This is an overlooked concept and you need to understand how to apply it in your funnel. So, in this video, we’ll cover each step of the funnel and what you need to do, step by step.
Video 5: Visual Real Estate Matters
No, we’re not talking about houses here, but virtual real estate. In short, the size of your image matters a lot. You’re going to discover the secret image type and shape that converts the best.
Video 6: An Attractive Pin
Once you understand the best converting shape in Video #5, you’re going to learn how to apply that to real life. You’re going to learn what tools you need to create a very attractive pin that will turn ugly and boring content into eye-catching pin worthy content.
Video 7: The Anatomy
As we’re talking about images, I’m sure you’re asking: “Ok, what exactly am I supposed to put inside the graphic?” “Is there a blueprint or a formula?” Yes, there is and that’s what we’re going to cover in this video.
Video 8: Reverse Engineering Hack
Now that you understand the formula, how do you go about getting ideas on what images to use? In this video, we’ll reveal a hack that you can use to find trending pins in your niche and reverse engineer it to find your competitor’s secret sauce.
Video 9: Pin Automation
This is sort of a bonus video that will make your pinning easier. Pinning lots of high quality images is crucial and you want to schedule their release as much as possible. But how do you do that when you’re sleeping or on a vacation? We’ll discuss some tools that’s worked well for us that will automate this tedious and time-consuming process.
==> Grab ’em all here!
And what can you do with all this goodness?
Why you can:
* Add the videos to your paid membership site
* Apply the info you learn to other PLR offers
* Convert the content into regular blog posts
* Create a podcast episode series
* Create lessons for your coaching
* Create physical products from it
* Create viral giveaways on Facebook
* Offer it as a bonus to your paid offers
* Rework the content into your webinars
* Sell it on Amazon Kindle
* Sell it with basic rights, or master resale rights
* Sell the video series directly
* Sell the videos as backend offers
* Sell the videos in DVDs
* Translate and sell in multiple languages
* Turn it into paid email series
* Use as a bonus for your affiliate offers
* Use content as part of your new products
* Use content for your newsletters
* Use videos to build a huge list
==> Start your journey here!
Methinks you’ll find this quite the bargain…. Enjoy!
Grow strong,
Barbara “More commissions” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
ps: it’s waiting for you…
==> So nice having a done for you sales letter too (that’s included as well)…
Source: aWeber
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