PLR: Corona/Wuhan Virus: Everything people want to know about it (no upsells)


Barb Ling here and it’s the first PLR I’ve seen about this must-know topic:


==> Corona Virus PLR

Your Benefits: You get PLR you can use on your site should you blog about this crucially important topic

Who should buy this: People who want done-for-you content about the Corona virus

Who should not buy this: Anyone who cannot afford it

Obligatory humor: “What do you call a moose wearing a mask? Anonymoose” 🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point…

You might be aware of the Corona Virus outbreak that is in China – I’m definitely aware of it because of my Chinese husband who can read original sources (and let me tell you, its ‘way worse than the Western Media is reporting).

Anywhos, that being said….

Here’s the deets about this package!

“…The news is full of dire warnings about the new Wuhan Coronavirus spreading from China throughout the world. Turn on TV and three more countries have citizens that have been infected. Listen to the radio and it seems the infected count rises every hour. Social media is crammed with posts and comments. Airports are testing passengers for fever (one of the earliest symptoms). And cities in China are under quarantine.

Is the world ending? Are we being invaded by the superbug of the century? Is this a conspiracy to take over the world through bio warfare?


This 5000 word report and accompanying PLR content has been compiled using reliable sources such as the Center for Disease Control, World Health Organization, and published scientific research.

You will NOT find a cure for the Wuhan Coronavirus in this report because there isn’t any.

What you will find is information you can use to protect yourself and your family, and maybe find a little peace of mind in the process.

This 5,000 word report includes topics:

* What is a Coronavirus?

* Influenza is More Prevalent and Deadlier than the Wuhan Coronavirus

* Viruses, Including the Wuhan Coronavirus, Are Nasty Creatures

* The Wuhan Coronavirus is Brand New.

* What’s Dangerous About the Wuhan Coronavirus

* Why Be Concerned About the Wuhan Coronavirus

* How the Wuhan Coronavirus is Transmitted

* Symptoms: What Happens When You Become Infected

* Complications

* Treatments

* Wuhan Coronavirus Prevention

* Boosting Your Immune System

* You Think You May Have the Wuhan Coronavirus

* Conclusion


IT’s truly a great package… (and if you do want to monetize the contents, you can include affiliate links for n95 or n99 masks at Amazon – I bought my family n99 masks).

Sounds good?

I think so – the research is already done for you so….

Why not take advantage of it today?
Grow strong,
Barb “More Buy Buttons” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – this virus will get worse before better….
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Source: aWeber


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