PLR Image Effects Manager Software

PLR Image Effects Manager Software Benefits

This s a supersweet rebrandable software package for image editing.

It includes the ability:

  • Rename the Software
  • Add a Unique Desktop Icon (appearing on the user’s desktop, ALL OF THE TIME!
  • Add a Unique Splash Screen (seen when the software is loading)
  • Use a TEXT LINK to send the user to a URL of your choosing
  • Use a BROWSER which opens directly in the software itself– to display a webpage YOU control
  • Use a BROWSER which opens directly in the software itself– displaying YOUR Custom Updates and Announcements page
  • Brand the Software documentation and include YOUR Links and information

This product helps you by giving you a rebrandable software to beef up your customer’s satisfaction and to sell online as well!

Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!

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