PLR THUD? With Resell Rights included?


Barb Ling here and did you miss this?



Your Benefits: you get over 100 hours of rock solid training for pennies on the dollar… resell rights included


Brief, pithy and to the point…

Look at everything youll receive!

–> You get unlimited repurpose rights, edit it anyhow you want, once edited you can put your name on it

–> You can resell it as many times as you want

–> You can use it as a giveaway for your squeeze pages

–> You can include it in your memberships, paid or free

Bottom line – you can do just about anything with it!
==> Here are the 100+ trainings:
1) Huge Results Fast – Extreme Productivity
2) How to Create a Solid Product
3) How to Build a Legacy Business
4) Modeling Success – Keep Model Simple
5) How to Write a Powerful Daily Email
6) Attracting Clients Who Are Willing to Pay a Higher Rate
7) How to Think Like an Entrepreneur – Deep Insight into How Entrepreneurs Think Differently (Including How I Started My First Business in High School)
8) Clarity and Resolve to Build a Big Business –
9) How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection – Youll get some deep insight from about the fears – rejection, failure, etc – that really hold you back . . this is psychological, insightful . .
10) How to Create Powerful Trust in 5 Days So Folks Buy More and Buy Fast-

==> catch that trust?

11) Failure Rates Online, Whats Wrong With the IM Industry Today
12) How to Achieve Big Goals – Your Big Goals
13) How to Script Your Webinar, Step by Step, What to Write and How to Do It to Write Your Webinar
14) How to Simplify Your Marketing Proposition
15) How to Get Massive Traffic Online – Total Traffic Model
16) Training: Traffic Deep Dive Reality Intro to Relationship
17) Traffic Blogging With Donna and David
18) Unlimited Visitors to Your Site
19) 1000 Subscribers a Month
20) Viral Traffic
21-30) InfoProducts Complete A-Z (Brand New 10 Part System for Your Infobusiness Profits)
> Intensive Sales
> Psychology of Devotion
> Easy Way to Write Your Sales Letter
1) Infotraining Lesson 1
2) Infotraining Lesson 2
3) Infotraining Lesson 3
4) Infotraining Lesson 4
5) Psychology of Devotion
6) Write Your Sales Letter
7) Coaching Call
8) Coaching Call
9) Traffic and Sales

==> catch that psychology?

31-36) Sales Intensive The Big Business Training Program (This was originally a 6 week live class)
> How to Get Viral Traffic For Your Big Business
> The plugins you need to run your Big Business
> How to Get the Big Idea for Your Big Business
Big Business Consolidation Model
Big Business First Class: Intro and Get Started
Big Business 2nd Class: Plugins
Big Business 3rd Class
Big Business 4th Class: Viral Traffic
Big Business 5th Class: Launching Your Membership
Big Business 6th Class: Writing Your Email Campaign
37) Faith to Be Fearless
38) Your Big Niche Domination Plan for 2018
39) Remaining Strong in Crisis, Adversity, Heartbreak
40) Overcoming Fear
41) Strength to Go On
42) Hustle for First Clients
43) Gratefulness Leads to Increase
44) Passion to Persevere
45) The Power of Resilience as an Entrepreneur
46) Fear and Action-Taking
47) Implementation the Hidden Secret
48) Unnamed Training #1
49) Open Coaching Coaching Q and A

==> catch that banishing fear?

50) Mystery Topic
51) Mystery Training #2
52- 55) The High-Level Infobusiness
> The problem with infobusiness selling the old way (pre-2018)
> The solution and the big shift to take your infoselling 10X
> The entire deep and high-level infobusiness model I personally use
52) Trainings: The Business Model The Why and the Shift The Business Model Implementation
53) How to Create a Credibility Campaign Create Training Specifically for Subscriber Needs
54) Write Copy That Blends into Credibility Campaign
55) Natural Conclusion Sales Funnel
56) Complete Business Model – New and Awesome!
57) How to Find a Marketable Problem You Can Solve
58) Week 1 Beginner Blitz Squeeze, Sales, Product, Traffic
59) Week 2 Beginner Blitz Squeeze, Sales, Product, Traffic
60) Week 3 Beginner Blitz Sales Letter
61) Week 4 Beginner Blitz Traffic From Other Sites
62) First $100 Online
63) 1 Recording + Daily Writing = Constant Product Creation
64) Blueprint Training
65) Designing Your Product Line
66) Complete Concise Product Funnel Launch
67) Automated Sales Funnel
68) How to Write Must-Read Engaging Emails
69) Taking Risk
70) Pricing and Advanced Marketer Blueprint
71) How to Come Up With Your Own Unique Angle
72) Rapport Building Email Campaign
73) Dominic Anderton Interviewing Me
74) Advanced Sales Funnel Blueprint Now its time to get serious about traffic:
75) Natural Engagement Traffic
76) Relentless Pursuit of Traffic
77) Imagining Your Platform
78) Youtube Kickoff
79) Youtube Training Case Study
80)Where Abundance Comes From
81) How to Get Buyer Leads
82) Scaling Your Business
83) How to Launch a One-Year Coaching Program
84) Part 1: 6 Week LifeStyle Business
85) Part 2: 6 Week :LifeStyle Business
86) Part 3: 6 Week LifeStyle Business
87) Part 4: 6 Week LifeStyle Business
88) Part 5: 6 Week Lifestyle Business
89) Part 6: 6 Week LifeStyle Business
90) Entrepreneurial Action
91) Make a Decision About What You Really Want
92)Vision, Focus, Distractions and Victory
93) Format for a Big Membership
94) How to Sell on the Fly
95-98) Now its time to consider building a platform to scale even more:
95) Week 1 Platform Training
96) Week 2 Platform Training
97) Week 3 Platform Training
98) Week 4 Platform Training
99) Membership Training
100) Membership Sales Letter
101) Membership Pre-Selling Emails
102) How to Launch a One-Year Coaching Program
103) 10 Day Coaching Program
104) Coaching Program Sales Letter
105) Diligence for Success

==> Dimesale but rising!

Methinks youll enjoy it greatly.


Grow strong,

Barbara More Sales!!! Ling

ps – DIMESALE so price is increasing with every sale… go grab it now!
Source: aWeber


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