Barb Ling here and if youve ever been looking for a seasoned product creator to learn from, you KNOW your choices are many! Heck, as a matter of fact, both Dennis and I offer such things.
Thing is, some people have their own unique learning styles. And in those cases, there are other coaches you can consider as well!
Kevin Fahey is one of them. And heres what youll gain from his latest:
Heres an Outline of Everything You Will
Discover Over the 10 days of LIVE Training
Step-by-step coaching program, keeping you plugged-in and avoiding shiny object syndrome
How to get all the tech stuff setup, even if youre not a technical person, and the simple method for automating the signup process so you can get people into your coaching program while you sleep (literally)
How to attract affiliates in the droves and build strong relationships and partnerships.
How to get started right away even if you have no clue what youre doing online, youre a complete newbie, or youve been spinning your wheels for a long time I break it down, take you by the hand, and serve you up a plan for success on a silver platter
The exact steps to actually begin creating your product and the types of products that will make you the most money with the least overall effort required.
The 3 things you MUST understand before you ever spend a penny on paid advertising.
The best types of coaching programs to create, how to charge fees as high as $5,000 – $10,000+ (even if youre just starting out), and how to scale things up from there.
The simple process for getting all the customers you want with Facebook, and a few other methods Ive perfected (that almost no one is currently using)
The exact pricing formula I use to get the best sales numbers with my products and how you should be pricing your first product
The best types of coaching programs to create, how to charge fees as high as $5,000 – $So Heres What Youll Learn When You Join The IM Coaching Series TODAY!
How to followup with a proven plan to allows your business to keep scaling and scaling long after launch.
==> You can see it over at:
Want more insights? (and this shows why its premium indeed!)
Day 1 – Welcome and Niche Selection (21st Jan, 2019 @ 10 a.m. EST)
On this webinar you will learn the overview of everything that we will be accomplishing. As well as you are going to learn the most simple way to find and select profitable niches. It is true that the money is in the niche and you could spend weeks searching and only to find the niche is either not big enough or filled with buyers. So Im going to show you my exact process to finding those HOT niches.
Day 2 – Product Creation Made Easy (22nd Jan, 2019 @ 10 a.m. EST)
Whether you made a product before or never have Im going to show you my bullet-proof way of getting products created not only quickly but rather easily too, so we can maximize our time and end goal which is PROFIT!
Day 3 – Sales Funnels and Outsourcing (23rd Jan, 2019 @ 10 a.m. EST)
This webinar is one of the most important ones as we will go over the CORRECT way to set up your sales funnels to maximize conversions and prevent any leaks in the funnel. On top of that you are going to learn all the TEDIOUS tasks you can easily outsource for cheap to leverage your time.
Day 4 – Shopping Cart and Affiliate Setup (24th Jan, 2019 @ 10 a.m. EST)
On this webinar you are going to find out the proper way to set up your payment processor to be able to handle massive transactions. This way your business can continue to run profitably without any hiccups. Also Ill show you how to set up affiliates properly so you can get them on board and help grow your business.
Day 5 – JV Attraction and Partnerships (25th Jan, 2019 @ 10 a.m. EST)
This is where the real magic and journey starts. On this webinar you will learn my simple strategy to attract JVs and Partners like a magnet! Building the right foundation and relationships with them will determine your success on the launch.
Day 6 – Traffic Generation (28th Jan, 2019 @ 10 a.m. EST)
On this webinar you will learn the art of generating FREE and Paid Traffic to increase conversions and lower ad spend. There are 3 key concepts you MUST understand before dropping a dime on traffic. Also you are going to learn the winning formula for Ads that convert and turn a losing campaign into a winner. With my FREE Traffic methods you will be able to pull on tons of traffic at command.
Day 7 – Prelaunch Training and Checklists (29th Jan, 2019 @ 10 a.m. EST)
We are close to the finish line now! In this live webinar series you will discover the TOP Marketers secret to having an explosive prelaunch that will catapult you to the TOP. Along with my exact checklist that enables me to increase my profit margins!
Day 8 – Post Launch and Lead Generation (30th Jan, 2019 @ 10 a.m. EST)
Now we move into increasing the backend funnel and shift our focus into delivering more value and adding more money into our bank accounts. There is a certain process that you must follow after the launch to ensure stability and growth. Along with this process you will find my BEST methods for lead generation and getting high quality clients.
Day 9 – High Ticket Sales Solutions (30th Jan, 2019 @ 10 a.m. EST)
This is by far the easiest way to make an additional $10,000 – $30,000 per month by offering the best types of coaching programs to create massive sales and Ill show you how to stand out to land clients easily. Ill also be revealing my UNSPOKEN strategy to finding the high paying clients with Facebook and few other tactics I dont openly teach
Day 10 – 7 Figure Business Model (1st Feb, 2019 @ 10 a.m. EST)
If you made it this far then you are well on your way to the 7 Figure Income Bracket just like me and In this live webinar you will learn the PRECISE business model that I habitually follow and youll soon learn just how simple it is. Most people tend to over complicate and over think stuff and this Model will show you just how anyone with the RIGHT coach can achieve such massive success in a short relatively short time
Kevin is a seasoned veteran marketer….
Grow strong,
Barbara More commissions Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
ps: Bonuses too!
Source: aWeber
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