Barb Ling here and very briefly….
Want you to turn every image on your WP site into a shoppable image?
Well then!
What’s rather super coolio about this is that you can put ‘hotspots’ on your images so when people click…
They’re taken exactly to that product with *your* affiliate info… with an unlimited site license as well!
The enhancements are cool….
PRO: Automatically add affiliate products from Amazon
Developers – sell the sites you create and use it on client sites
iMarketers Club
Start your journey here!
And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own
Amazon Marketing Strategy Pack
My own collection of the BEST Amazon tutorials out there!
Sounds good? I think so – Amazon’s marketplace is HUGE…
… and guaranteed you can make your images shoppable with a targeted product.
Grab this today…..
Grow strong,
Barbara “More commissions” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
ps: it’s waiting for you…
==> Additional bonuses too!
Source: Virtual Coach
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