Quick Recap: AZON: Set it and forget it “Authority” store Amazon software?


Barb Ling here and want you a 3 step process for creating “set it and forget it” eCom stores?

Of course you do!


==>  Infinity Store!

Your Benefits:  you can jumpstart your ecom profits in 3 simple steps!


Brief, pithy and to the point…

Want you… this?

Step 1: Install the System

Download our installer file and upload it on your WordPress site to get started with your online commerce store

Step 2: Build Your Traffic

Build your website traffic by personalizing it and featuring amazing products to attract more customers

Step 3: Sit Back and Relax

Watch your online commerce website and profit grow even without exerting much effort on every day

==>  ‘course you do!

Methinks you’ll enjoy this….

What’s not to adore?

Grow strong,

Barbara “More profits!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

==>  ps – want to see other benefits?  IT includes:
A simple “3 Click Install” game 
Infinity Store is super easy to set up. Unlike other wordpress based stores you don’t
need to be a tech-ninja to set up your store. Just follow our easy to set up tutorial.
And in just 3 clicks you are up and running with your Amazon affiliate store in minutes.

Encapsulate the power of ‘Infinity’ in your Amazon store 
The biggest profit killer as most of the affiliates experience is the limitation on the products your store can display. Today, Amazon boasts of 400 million plus products. Even if your store is able to display 1000 products, it’s nothing compared to the real volume!

Infinity Store is the answer to this problem! It allows you to display virtually infinite (as in “ALL”) Amazon products on your own store, so no worries on losing a customer coz the product he was looking for was not on your store. Our state of the art technology allows your customers to search all the Amazon products from your own store.

An immediate Profit Booster!!

Auto Synching / Self-updating store –  
Updating your Affiliate store in order to sync it with Amazon has been a time consuming and arduous task. Failure to do so has been known to create annoyance for the customers apart from taking a hard hit at profit potentials and customer loyalty.

Infinity Store has been programmed to update itself without your intervention and be in sync with Amazon for out of stock products, expired deals, discounted prices, etc. So your affiliate store is all-time up-to-date with Amazon.

So all you do is set up the store and leave all the updating drama to itself without having to care!

==>  Catch that self-updating?

90 Days cookie add to cart feature –  
Affiliates have always loved promoting Amazon products. But there is one glitch. The Amazon affiliate cookie works only for 24 hours.

Meaning, if a visitor of your affiliate store does not make an actual purchase within 24 hours of visiting your store, you don’t get anything out of it. That is one visitor completely wasted! No Commission earned!

But not with Infinity Store… it allows your customers to add their products to the cart on your store and then gives a whopping window of 90 Days to the customer to make an Amazon purchase for you to earn your well-deserved commission.

In short, your commissioning earning potential shoots drastically!!!

Price Drop Notification technology – 
Many a times, customers short list a product and just short of buying it, feel that they wish a lower price for the product. Disappointed, they leave without any further action. Thus, you lose a customer and a sale for commission.

Infinity Store, with its Discount Alert Technology, gives customers an option to choose to get notified when the product price would drop to their desired range. When it does drop, the customer would get an automated email notification for the same.

So you not only win a loyal customer but also acquire his/her email ID for further follow ups and sales.

Real-time Discount finder 
This is the biggest feature that boost your store conversion to the roof. Discounts are always loved. Real time discount finder allows your visitors to search for the discounted products they are looking for in their niche in real time. They can also set the filter for the discount that saves them time and generates you more commission 🙂

==>  Catch that discount finder?

Custom post viral traffic module: 
Driving targeted traffic to your store is a crucial element that makes your store highly profitable. Hence, we have added the Social Viral traffic module that unplugs the flow of super targeted traffic to your store.

It’s a one of its class technology. You can promote your products using customized posts on social media right from the dashboard of Infinity Store. No need to leave the system. But the real beauty of the system is it impulsively converts your store products to match the promotions that are bringing in the traffic.

So if you are promoting pet products on FB using our Infinity Store Social Viral Traffic module this system will post your promotional post on FB and when someone visits your site from that link they will see Pet products only. Even if you get traffic from a post for Automobile accessories with Discounts, then the system will magically transform itself to show Discounted automobile accessories to such a visitor.

This single feature is all worth for your investment in Infinity Store as it boosts your earning potential instantly.

Mobile responsive design 
Today,___% of the customers buying from online stores are doing so on the move, that is mostly using their smart phones. If your affiliate store is unable to adjust itself to a mobile screen with the same efficiency and features, users are likely to leave the tedious store.

Infinity Store is completely mobile responsive and retains the same features, finesse and ease while being accessed from smart phones. So you don’t have to fear losing the mobile audience.

Customer Wish list option 
It is common that a product or a particular variant a customer is looking for might be unavailable at the moment. At such times rather than losing out a customer it definitely pays off to give customers to create their wish list. When the product/variant is back on the store the customer gets an automated email notification for the same, thus creating a loyal customer for you.

Yet another way to acquire email addresses and to create more and more contented customer base.

Easy to grab analytics 

One of the most important requirements for any system is to have the possibility of analyzing it to assess its performance. Infinity Store gives a complete statistical  grab of the entire performance of the store with features like _________________.

Amazon One Link 
Affiliate stores which do not give you a location based search module often end up compromising on certain location based customers. Lack of showing the location (country) specific Amazon database creates confusion and dissatisfaction in customers thus affecting your earnings.

Infinity Store is empowered with Amazon One Link, a feature which tracks the location of visiting customers and choses the database of the specific country’s Amazon sites to show appropriate results and it turn boosts to probability of sales.

GDPR Compliance 
Many of you might have heard of the new GDPR compliance norms which have been levied on websites in European countries.

Infinity store is 100% GDPR compliant, thus enabling you to use it carefreely for the European audiences.

Amazon Compliance 
As an Amazon affiliate store it is absolutely mandatory that your store must follow all the Amazon compliances.

With Infinity store you can be assured that your store will be 100% Amazon compliant thus saving any hassles which might arise otherwise.

Easy to customize 
Many affiliates find it difficult to use WordPress themes to customize the affiliate store with the desired colo schemes, uploading logo, etc. and this task itself can put them off.

Infinity Store has a completely laden control options panel which will let you customize your affiliate store with your favorite choices just with a few clicks.

==> Grab it here!

Source: Virtual Coach


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