Quick Recap: BIG COUPON: Autobuild Your Site with YouTube Videos… automatically?

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and this just crossed my radar!

Plus… there’s a coupon!


==> TubePostr

Your benefits: Set it and forget it plugin that automatically builds your sites (with a builtin coupon!)


Brief pithy and to the point:

Want you all of these benefits?

Tube Postr is an automated traffic, SEO, and content machine!

It’s set-and-forget.

Unlike its competitors, Tube Postr not only pulls video content from any YouTube channel (or channels) you hook it up to, it also pulls in the title, description, and tags into your WordPress blog and posts that whole thing, neatly formatted, anywhere you want it posted.

Because Tube Postr creates posts with video content AND text, search engines are going to love the results and reward you with more and more traffic.

You can pull all the videos from a channel into your blog all at once, or you can drip them in as they’re published.

This dripping features is a big key to keeping Google and the other search engines happy. You actually want the search engines to be crawling your website more frequently, and that drip feature is what encourages that behavior. The result?

Your website turns into a traffic pulling machine! All on autopilot. All without you lifting one finger beyond the five minutes it takes you to install and license.

You can use Tube Postr with your own YouTube channel or anyone else’s.

With Tube Postr you can build huge blogs full of click worthy content fast. Tube Postr is incredibly easy to install, and will work on any self-hosted WordPress website. The only requirements for using Tube Postr is having a self-hosted WordPress website.


==> Grab it here!



Grow strong,

Barb I like Done For You! Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

==> ps 5 minute install…  http://askblings.com/tubepost

Source: Virtual Coach


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