Quick Recap: COUPON: a Sweet 101 email marketing templates goodie (PLR Option too

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and I just got alerted to..... this!

==> eMailCarte - 101 eMail Templates Waiting for you!
Use coupons BARB50OFF to drop price big!

Your Benefits: You learn how to profit *big* with 101 done-for-you email marketing templates!


Brief, pithy and to the point.

If Email Marketing Is Like A Blank Check
For Creating Unlimited Profit, Then Why
Arent You Cashing The Checks?

Ever wonder that? Hmmmmm?

Well then!!

Emailcarte is a package of 101 fill-in-the-blank email templates you can use to sell your products or affiliate offers across any niche!

No more letting your list grow cold because youre not writing to them often enough.

No more leaving money on the table because youre sending ineffective emails.

No more pulling your hair out trying to figure out what to write.

When you grab your copy of Emailcarte, youll immediately download 13 sets of email campaigns (101 total emails!) that you simply plug in relevant details and load to your email system. Included are.

The Gain-Logic-Fear Sequence
An Indoctrination Sequence
The Engagement Sequence
An Ascension Sequence
A Segmentation Sequence
A Re-Engagement Sequence
An Affiliate Sequence
A Conversion Sequence
A 90-Day Awareness Sequence
A Direct-Pitch Series
A Useful-But Incomplete Series
A Special-Offer Series
A Set Of 26 One-Off Emails

==> Catch all those sequences?
Use coupons BARB50OFF to drop price big!

Youll get emails like

An abandoned cart email to save more sales!

The affiliate motivation email that can generate dozens, hundreds or even more sales for you!

The flash sale template that gets prospects scrambling to your order button!

The personal story template that builds trust and generates sales over the long term!

The stealth promo template that doesnt look like a promo, yet it will get your prospects clicking over to your order page!

The questions email that stops readers in their tracks and gets them thinking about buying your products ASAP!

Order NOW And You Will Receive
Both A Discounted Launch Price PLUS A
Barb Only Additional Discount!

These extra savings are good for both the regular version (tweak and use these templates yourself) and the PLR licensing version (sell the entire package to others and keep 100% of the profit).

==> Catch those 100% profits?

Use coupons BARB50OFF to drop price big!

But, these discounts are for a limited time! Get yours now!


Sounds good? I think so - there is a definite ART to email writing..

And this will help you master it *fast*.


Grow strong,

Barbara More Sales!!! Ling

==> Ending SOON...

Use coupons BARB50OFF to drop price big!

Source: Virtual Coach


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