Quick Recap: =>COUPON! THUD => 80% Savings: SociEzy! (360+ pages of social marketing tutorials, chestshets, templates and moore


Barb Ling here and it’s Dennis’ goodie….  with a coupon builtin!!


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Your Benefits:  you receive oh so much content!!


Brief, pithy and to the point…

Want you to get these benefits?

1. You get the information you need without being overwhelmed. That’s because SocialEZY packages information in short tutorials, cheat sheets and articles so you can read them fast and put them to work for you immediately!

2. You get a full set of actionable tools. No more casting about trying to figure out how to implement what you just learned. This package include worksheets, checklists and more to help you quickly turn information into profitable action!

3. You get the information that’s working NOW in 2017.  Each of these five modules include the most current and up-to-date strategies and tools that are working right now. You get fresh information to create amazing results!

And if you’d like MORE details:

101 Facebook Templates

One of the benefits of sharing content on Facebook is flexibility. That means you can share the content directly in its entirety, or you can share a link to drive traffic to a lead page, sales page, blog or other page of your choosing. And inside these pages you’ll find a mix of 101 templates to serve both purposes.

Check out the types of templates you’ll get:

You’re going to love these templates, because there is something for every occasion!

  • Content: Tips, How To, Advice
  • Inspiration and Motivation
  • Promotions
  • Questions and Engagement
  • Teasers
  • Curiosity
  • Calls to Action
  • Fear-Logic-Gain Series
  • Building Anticipation
  • Multimedia
  • Sharing Information
  • Miscellaneous

101 Twitter Templates

You can encourage engagement, share news with your prospects and customers, and get clicks using the these surefire 101 templates for Twitter. There’s something for everyone inside this package, including templates to create:

This is tweeting made easy!

  • Announcements
  • Questions
  • Promos
  • Curiosity
  • Sharing Information
  • Content: Tips, How To, Advice
  • Inspiration
  • Engagement and Discussion
  • Facts and History
  • Call To Action
  • Multimedia

==> Catch those huge templates?

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  • 101 Ways To Write a Social Media UpdateEveryone says variety is the spice of life. It’s true – and introducing variety also adds spice (and profits!) to your social media updates. This means not only varying the topics, but also varying how you present the information in terms of style, length and more.  And inside this swipe file you’ll get 101 different ways to create a social media update.

    HINT: Adding variety is the quick and easy way to slash unfollow rates, get people engaged again, and get them clicking on your links!

  • 101 Social Media Marketing IdeasInside this swipe file you’ll get 101 social media marketing ideas that are designed to help you:

    So use this swipe file as a springboard to integrating social media into your overall marketing plan, and making it more effective than ever!

    • Gain New Prospects
    • Grow Relationships
    • Generate Traffic
    • Garner Social Proof
    • Get More Brand Recognition
    • Gather Market Research
    • Give Help To Customers
    • Grow Your Business (Miscellaneous)
  • 40 Ways To Get More SharesOne of the best ways to effectively use social media to grow your business is by getting more people to share your content. This gives you massive word-of-mouth marketing to help you generate more leads and sales.

    So how do you get more shares? That’s what you’ll find out inside this report, where we’ll cover topics such as how to write a great call to action and how to use psychological triggers to boost shares!

  • 101 Viral Campaign Tips and IdeasIt’s no secret that social media is a great place to launch viral campaign, since the platforms naturally encourage content sharing. And still, not every piece of content you post is going to go viral. Truth is, most of it is going to sink into oblivion.

    So how do you create content that people want to share? That’s what you’ll find out in this report, including factors such as:

    If you’ve ever wanted to launch a huge viral campaign, then you’ll want to read this swipe file first!

    • Timing
    • Content
    • Triggers
    • Calls to Action
    • Launching Content
    • Tips and Tricks For Success

50 Call To Action Ideas

Whenever you want people on social media to take action, you need to tell them exactly what you want them to do next. This is called your CTA (call to action), and posting a good CTA will boost your conversion rates, build your list and generate more sales.

That’s why inside this report you’ll find examples of 50 different types of calls to action across a variety of popular categories, including calls to action for:

And much more! There’s a call to action for every occasion inside this swipe file, so check it out!

==> Catch those calls to action?

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  • How To Use Facebook Live To Promote a ProductFacebook Live is a pretty powerful way to promote your business, because it gives you a way to interact directly with your prospects and customers. Not only that, your video replay is also available for visitors to watch for days, weeks, or months to come.

    So how do you tap into this amazingly effective promotional tool? By reading this tutorial, where you’ll find out the best ways to engage your audience and get them cracking open their wallets for you!

  • The Marketer’s Guide to Social SellingA lot of business owners come to social media thinking it’s like their newsletter list or private sales platform. And that’s a grave mistake. If you want to sell on social media, you need to remember the keyword: SOCIAL. People don’t come to social media to read advertisements, and they’ll quickly hit the unfollow button if that’s all they’re getting from you.

    So how do you start social selling effectively? By using this eye-opening tutorial, which shows you how to start generating real results with your social media campaigns!

  • How to Create Engaging Social Media ImagesOf course you need to create great content in order to engage your social media followers. But you need something to capture attention – and posting captivating images is the answer.

    How do you create these images? That’s what this tutorial will show you how to do. We’ll spend the bulk of our time in Step 5, which will show you how to create the best and most eye-catching images to draw in your audience like moths to a porch light!

  • How to Create a Facebook Page For BusinessIf you’d like to engage in a bit of promotions and advertising on Facebook, then you need to set up a Facebook Page for your business.

    Some people try to run their business off of their personal accounts. But there are multiple problems with this approach, with the big one being that Facebook frowns on it – and they’ll shut you down.

    That’s why you need a Facebook Page, and this tutorial shows you how to set up a page, grow your fans, and start engaging them. It’s just what you need to grow your business!

Outsourcing Your Social Media

Good news: You don’t need to do all your social media marketing activities yourself. Instead, you can outsource all or part of these activities to a professional freelancer. And that’s exactly what this guide will show you how to do in the following five steps:

Ready to find out what all is included in each step? Order this package today to find out!

==> Catch that Outsourcing?

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  1. Decide What To Outsource
  2. Distribute Want Ads
  3. Determine the Best Candidate
  4. Define Your Project
  5. Develop a Good Relationship
  • The Advanced Guide to Social Media EngagementNo matter what type of business you’re running and what you’re selling, your social media campaigns all have one underlying goal: you want to get more engagement.

    It’s pretty easy to understand why. The more engaged your audience is, the easier it is for you to build a relationship with them. And when an engaged audience knows, likes and trusts you, then they’ll join your mailing lists, buy your products and put more money in your pocket!

    So the point is, you should always be looking for ways to increase engagement. And that’s exactly what this report will show you how to do, as you’ll discover the same tips and tricks the best social media marketers on the planet use to increase engagement!

  • How To Set Up And Run A Successful Facebook GroupFacebook groups are a hidden gem for engaging your audience, building loyalty, establishing your expertise, pre-selling prospects and putting more cash in your bank account. But how do you set up a big, thriving Facebook Group? That’s what this insider’s guide will show you how to do, so check it out!
  • The 10 Best Copywriting Formulas Drive Social Media EngagementHeads up: Good copywriting is the key to telling a compelling story, and a good story will hook people emotionally and draw them closer to you. And that’s why this report shows you how to use 10 proven copywriting formulas to hook your followers and get them clicking on your links!
  • The Top 25 Blogs Every Social Media Marketer Ought to FollowSocial media is an evolving landscape. The major platforms (like Facebook and Twitter) make regular changes that affect the way you reach your audience. And every so often, a new social media platform pops up to help you grow your business.

    But the question is, are you on top of all these changes? Now you can. And all you have to do is follow a handful of blogs from this list of the top 25 social media experts!

  • The Top Social Media “Must Have” ToolsA good app, plugin, or other software tool can make all your social media marketing tasks quicker, easier and more effective for you. That’s why you’ll want to review this list of must-have tools and start putting them to work for you today. Here are the types of tools you’ll find inside this guide:

    Which of these tools are you overlooking? Find out now inside this guide!

    • Automation
    • Insight
    • Comprehensive and Miscellaneous
  • The Social Media Marketing Activities PlannersIf you want to make the most of our social media campaigns, you need good daily, weekly and quarterly planners. And that’s exactly what this tool gives you! Simply tweak this planner to fit your needs, and you’ll have a roadmap to social media success!
  • 7 Clever Ways to Leverage Facebook Live VideosAre you using Facebook Live videos yet in your business? If not, you should. That’s because they’re a wonderful way to connect with your audience in a way that’s far more personal than your typical text update.

    So how do you best leverage Facebook Live to grow your business? Simple – you check out this guide, where you’ll discover 7 surprisingly easy ways to leverage Facebook Live videos for fun and profit!

  • The Hashtag Cheat SheetHashtags are one of the keys to making sure your audience finds your content. That’s because whenever you put a hashtag in your post, it becomes searchable across the platform. And this guide gives you the tips, tricks, and best practices you need to make the most of hashtags on your social media platforms!
  • The Social Media Contest Cheat SheetRunning a contest on social media tends to be a powerful marketing tool, simply because of the potential exposure and naturally viral nature of social media platforms. That’s why you’ll want to use this cheat sheet to create a powerful contest that’s sure to attract new leads and deliver great results for you!
  • The Social Media Engagement Cheat SheetEvery piece of content you create for social media should be geared towards engaging your audience. Not only does this help you build relationships, your brand, your newsletter list and your customer list, some platforms (such as Facebook) show your content based on how many people engage. And that’s why you’ll want to print off this cheat sheet and use it to boost engagement and grow your business!
  • The Social Media Conversion Optimization Cheat SheetNo matter what our social media goals are, you can grow your business faster by focusing on social media conversion optimization. That means you employ surefire tips and tricks to get more shares, more clicks, more subscribers, more followers and more sales. This tool shares those tips, so check out this cheat sheet to be sure you’re doing everything you can to boost conversions!
  • The Social Media Strategy WorksheetYou have all of these ideas and goals for your social media campaigns – but how do you put it all together into one cohesive strategy across channels? That’s what this worksheet will help you do! So don’t even think about posting a single piece of content until you use this planning tool!
  • Profiling Your Target Audience WorksheetIn order to get good results with your marketing efforts, you need to understand who your audience is and what they want. This will help you create an effective social media campaign. Not only will you know the best ways to reach your audience, you’ll also know how to talk to them in a way that really connects with them.  And that’s exactly what this worksheet shows you how to do, so check it out right now!

Determining The Best Social Media Platform For Your Needs

Are you using the best social media platforms for your needs? Heads up: most marketers aren’t. In fact, most marketers either join every platform possible, or they just stick with Facebook. And both of those options are mistakes that could be robbing you of a lot of profits!

So here’s the third (and better) strategy: examine your goals, examine your audience, and then pick two or three platforms that best suit your needs. That’s what this worksheet will help you do, so order this package today so you can get started using it right away!

​​​​​​​==> Catch that strategy?

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  • The Ultimate Social Media Marketing ChecklistMaybe you’re thinking about using social media to grow your business. In that case, you want to be sure you get off on the right foot. Or perhaps you’ve already started using social media, but you’re not getting the results you want.

    Either way, this checklist will give you the strategies you need to put social media to work for you!

  • The Social Media Strategy ChecklistSo you’ve been thinking about marketing your business on social media, which is a very good choice. After all, your prospects and customers are probably already on these platforms.

    But here’s the big question: what is going to be your primary goal for your social media strategy? You need to pick just one overall goal, and then design your campaign around achieving this goal. And this checklist shows you the top five most profitable goals and helps you decide which one is right for you!

  • Your First 1000 Followers ChecklistOnce you launch your social media campaign, your first task is to get at least 1000 followers. That’s because 1000 followers makes it easier for you to kick off viral campaigns, get a good discussion going on your page, create a “social proof” effect that will lead to an even bigger following, and more.

    So how do you get those critical first 1000 followers? By using this eye-opening checklist!

  • The Social Media Content Scheduling ChecklistThere are plenty of marketers and business owners who employ a “seat of the pants” scheduling style for their social media campaigns. And, not coincidentally, there are also a lot of marketers and small business owners who are sorely disappointed with their social media results.

    Point is, if you want to get good results, then you need to plan and schedule your content.  That’s what this checklist and set of questions will help you do!

  • The Daily Social Media Productivity ChecklistIt’s pretty easy to spend hours on social media. But who has that kind of time? You need to get in, get out, and make the most of whatever time you devote to your social media strategy on a daily basis.

    So how do you do that? By using this social media productivity checklist that covers the three main steps you need to take: 1) Creating, 2) Listening, and 3) Engaging. Download this blueprint today to get all the details!

  • The Outsource and Automate Your Social Media ChecklistWorking on your social media campaigns can easily suck up a lot of your time each day. OR you can automate them and make them as hands free as possible.

    If that second option sounds good to you, then you’re going to want to put this outsourcing and automation checklist to work for you!

  • The Ultimate Guide to Content Ideas ChecklistTake a look at just about any successful social media page, and you’ll quickly see that most people post a variety of content to keep their audience engaged. What’s more, if you’re posting on multiple platforms, then you’ll naturally need a variety of content. For example, Twitter posts are just 140 characters, whereas Instagram is all about posting photos.

    So where do you get all of these content ideas to keep your audience engaged? That’s what this checklist will help you do!

  • The Content Creation For Social Media ChecklistIt’s no secret that a good social media strategy relies heavily on you having plenty of awesome content to share. But the problem is, creating all that content yourself takes time! Next thing you know, you’re burning up big chunks of every work day just creating content for your social media campaigns!

    Is there a better way? You bet there is. And this checklist will show you how to create content faster and easier than ever!

  • The Facebook Business Page Set Up ChecklistMore than one billion people are already active on Facebook, which makes this platform a superb way to reach your audience. And if you run a business, Facebook offers you the opportunity to set up a business page to directly reach your audience. Let this checklist show you how to get your profitable Page set up quickly and easily!
  • The Facebook Live ChecklistIf you’ve spent any time on Facebook lately, you may have received notifications when your friends and favorite business contacts went live. Maybe you’ve even tried the live videos yourself, but the results didn’t exactly bowl you over.

    Would you like to get better results? Of course you would! And that’s exactly what this checklist will help you do. Order SocialEZY now, and in moments you’ll discover the secrets for creating engaging live videos that boost your viewership and lead to more subscribers and sales!

  • The Social Selling ChecklistIf you start tossing up a bunch of direct-response ads on your social media platforms, your audience is going to run you out on a rail. Or at the very least, they’re going to be clicking the “unfollow” button.

    But that doesn’t mean you can’t sell on social media. You just need to be sure that the “social” part comes first, followed by the selling part. And inside this mini blueprint you’ll discover three proven methods for selling on social media!

  • The Facebook Paid Advertising ChecklistFacebook has a tremendously powerful paid advertising platform, simply because you can target your audience in ways other platforms can’t even begin to offer. Not only can you target by the typical demographics such as gender or location, but you can also target by interest and even visitor behavior.

    Ready to tap into this powerful platform for yourself? Then grab this checklist and get started!

  • The Facebook Private Group ChecklistOne of the problems with a Facebook Page is that it’s difficult to really get into a good discussion. As you post things throughout the day, the older posts drop off. What’s more, your visitors can’t start discussions. Sure, they can post in the “visitor posts” area, but not very many people will see those posts.

    So what do you do when you want to create a good discussion? Simple: you start a secret or closed Facebook group. Once yours is up and running, your users will generate most of the content and the group will take on a life of its own. And this mini blueprint is exactly what you need to get that group up and running fast!

  • The Facebook Monthly Membership Site ChecklistThere was a time when running a monthly membership site was a complicated affair. You needed tech knowledge to get your group running. And then you needed to convince people to register on your site, bookmark it, and visit regularly.

    Today things are a lot easier, because all you have to do is set up a monthly membership site on Facebook. Chances are, your audience is already on Facebook and visiting every day, so running your membership site through this platform is super easy – especially when you use this super-useful checklist!

  • The Social Traffic Generation ChecklistThere are a lot of marketers who eagerly jumped onto social media as an easy way to drive a waiting audience back to their site. All you have to do is just drop links and wait for the traffic to pour into your site, right?

    Not quite. Social media is a bit of a different animal compared to your typical advertising venues. Those who recognize the differences are the ones who benefit. Those who don’t know how to use social media the right way just end up wasting a lot of time and money on a strategy that doesn’t work.

    If you want to be one of the lucky few to benefit big time, then you need to get your hands on this mini blueprint!

  • The Grow Your List Through Social Media ChecklistWhile social media is a great way to reach your audience and start building relationships, ultimately you want to get your prospects on your mailing list so that you can follow up with them at any time.

    So how do you grow your list using social media? This checklist is a good place to start!

  • The Social Media Engagement ChecklistHeads up – just increasing your number of social media followers isn’t going to get you good results. If you want to make the most out of your social media marketing, you need to make sure those followers are engaged and loyal. And that’s exactly what this “dos and don’ts” checklist will show you how to do!
  • The Call To Action ChecklistOne of the key goals of your social media page is to get people to like, share and comment on your content. Not only is an engaged audience more likely to join your list or buy from you, this sort of activity also creates viral traffic and a bigger audience for you… effortlessly!

    So how do you get more likes, shares, favorites, retweets and comments? By using this checklist!

  • The Social Media Graphics ChecklistHave you ever noticed what sort of content tends to get a lot of attention on social media?

    If you guessed graphics, you’re right. Whether you’re sharing a graphics-heavy infographic, or you’re just sharing a tip or inspirational quote on a graphical background, you need to have attention-getting graphics to rise above all the social media noise.

    And here’s the best news: this checklist will show you how to create or otherwise get your hands on all sorts of attention-getting, polished and high-impact graphics!

  • The Next Level Social Media Hacks ChecklistOnce you get your social media campaigns up and running, you’re going to start looking for tips and hacks to make your social media marketing better, faster and easier. Look no further than this checklist, where you’ll get 10 hacks for creating more successful and bigger networks!

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The sheer amount of value you receive….


Just…. wow.

Grow strong,

Barbara “More commissions” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

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Source: Virtual Coach


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