Quick Recap: ==>FIXED: Oh this is sweet! Don’t let the name put you off; it focuses on your bottom line

Editor’s note: Editor forgot the image Editor intended to include.  More coffee is needed.  Thank you!!  — Editor

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and very quickly:


Benefits:  You gain a comprehensive PDF to increasing your sales greatly

Who should buy this:  People who want to beef up their bottom line

Who should not buy this:  Anyone who cannot afford it

Obligatory Humor:  “The doctor told me I probably won’t be able to walk again after getting into an accident with a newspaper delivery truck. I was crushed by the news.”  🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want to beef up your bottom line?

Of course you do!

But be prepared – the product is basically named, The Spend More Moola system.  That doesn’t mean *you*.

It means your customers, not you!

That’s so important… let me say it again!

But be prepared – the product is basically named, The Spend More Moola system.  That does NOT mean *you*.

It means your customers, not you!


Alrighty then:


So why is this so great?  Well, here first is the table of contents:


Imagine you did all the above last week… where would you be today?  🙂

And remember, after you get to the sales page, first remember this:
“…Helping your customers is satisfying, isn’t it? When you get a heartfelt thank-you email from one of them, it gives you the warm fuzzies all day.  You’re doing good in the world and it feels awesome to help people achieve their goals.

But at the end of the day, these good feelings don’t pay the mortgage or put food on the table. And that’s why you also need to look for ways to boost your profits, even while you’re having fun with your business and making a difference in the lives of your customers….”

There, you’ll discover:

* The 5 Proven Parts For Getting Customers To S.P.E.N.D. More Mooooola

* Five Ways To Increase The Average Amount Customers Spend Per Order

* How To Get People To Know, Like And Trust You With Their Moooola

* SO much more!!

Add to the fact this is a Dennis Becker offer (you *know* if he recommends something, it just plain over-delivers)…

And you have a iron-clad reason for investing in this good.

Let me know what you think…


Grow strong,

Barb Ling
Authority Marketing innovator

ps – got more questions?  Here’s what Dennis closed with:

P.S. Stop struggling to get your customers to spend more money with you, and starting using the proven S.P.E.N.D. More System today.  It doesn’t have to be complicated.  It doesn’t have to involve high-pressure tactics.  This is much better.

P.P.S. I’m so convinced this strategy is going to grow your business like crazy that I’m willing to back it with an iron-clad guarantee…

Your Satisfaction is Unconditionally Guaranteed!

Download this course today and review it for a full 30 days. Put every last tip and tactic to work for you. If you’re not absolutely convinced that this course is making a difference to your business as you make a difference in the lives of your customers, then all you have to do is email me within 30 days for a prompt and cheerful refund.

Note: All sales are final on the version with private label rights.

No hoops, no questions, no quibbles.

I can’t be any fairer than that, so order now risk-free…


Source: Virtual Coach


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