Quick Recap: Here’s how to get 70% Affiliate commissions *across the entire funnel*?

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and did you know….

…. one of the upsells to the entire “create a funnel for you” package is 70% commissions across board?

Methinks that is the reseller option at the end (and I bought it myself).

Bigger commissions in *funnels that convert* are always wonderful because those product creators generally spend big bucks to make sales pages *convert*.

Which results in more commissions for you!

The product itself, Instant Funnel Pro, is grand by itself (it gives you 200 products to choose from to create front ends, upsells, downsells…

==> and the sales pages are already done for you!

Use coupon code barbcoffee to take off big!

This is something definitely worth investigating both as an affiliate marketer, product creator and the like.

And if you missed the earlier goodness:



Barb Ling here and did you know I left IM for several years?

‘Twas back from… 2001? until 2006 or so… and then from 2008 until 2011.

During that last absence, I was focusing on raising the kids, testing out the weight loss niche (I had lost 50+ pounds) and the like.

Life then kicked me in the teeth…. and I came back in 2011.

I restarted IM basically by doing what I had always been doing – $7 products and an upsell that was PLR.

Well, back in 2014, I heard from one of my colleagues a neat concept of offering a freebie…

.. and then making THOSE upsells even more appealing.

‘course, for me back then… I had the issue of creating those upsells and then tying them all together and the like.


Because customers tend to respond to upsells very positively , If you ensure said upsell is NOT required to make the FE work!

Well then.

Zoom up 3 years later… and all my products include various upsells, downsells, cross sells….

And my affiliates love that because it makes THEM more money.

So!  What IF by chance… you wanted to take advantage of more profits like that….

… and have the products ALREADY done for you?

Both the FrontEnd….

AND the upsells…

… AND the downsells?

Life would be a whole lot easier, right?

Well, that’s what this does FOR you!

==> And it includes 200 products to choose from!

Use coupon code barbcoffee to take off big!

Just think…. you could claim all of the above and start profiting from it today!

And if you’ve missed Chapter 3, behold!

It’s that feeling, you know?

The fact that other people, like me, can support their families online….

…. while you have yet to see the first sale.   🙁

Unfair it is!

Ever wonder, though…. *why* that is?

There are bunches of reasons, mind you…. but one of the main reasons for me personally is:

I break the rules.

Have you ever noticed that when I launch a product, I tend to have 6-7 upsells/downsells/cross-sells etc.?

Ever wonder why?

Because my customers LOVE that.  

See…. everyone is at a different level than their peers…. so some folk require more hand-holding while others are happy with less.

By having upsells/downsells/enhancements etc., I ensure that I make EVERYONE happy.

Oh, sure, there are people who say, Thy Upsells!  Thy offends me!

And I then apologize and invite the writer to unsubscribe from my list.

Because upsells/downsells (aka, sales funnels)…..

They WORK.

They really do.

But then, enter this flapping earlobe:

How on earth do you CREATE those upsells/downsells….

… heck, how do you even make a product to begin with????


That’s why this coolios Instant Funnel Lab is such a boon to newbies…..

Click HERE to behold the done-for-you goodness that is awaiting you!!

Use coupon code barbcoffee to take off big!

And if you’d like more info on what an upsell really is… here’s what you might have missed!

Earlier I had alerted you to the next generation Instant Funnel Lab that lets you create your own sales funnels….

… and I realized I had forgotten to reveal one rather delightful benefit to this software.

One of the easiest ways to max your earnings online is to let your buyers add fries to their order!

In other words, they’ve just bought something…. and THEN, while they are still enjoying that buyers’s excitement, they’re shown another goodie that complements their original purchase.

Just like “would you like fries with that?”

That’s called an upsell, an enhancement, a one time offer, etc.etc.etc.

And you’ve seen them in just about ANY purchase you’ve done both online and offline!

Buying hay for your piggieMoose?  You’ll be asked if you want to donate $1 for homeless animals.  Upsell!

Getting your car washed?  You’ll be asked if you want the deluxe ShinyWheels package for just a few bucks extra!  Upsell!

Buying winter coat?  What about a matching winter hat?  No?  Okay then, what about a scarf?  Downsell!


Well, THIS particular software…. does THAT for you…. AUTOMATICALLY!

ie, you can choose a product to sell and then add in ANOTHER product as the upsell….

or add in another product as the downsell….

They’ve done all that tedious work *for you*.

And if you have a sales funnel (aka, more than 1 product offered), that will simply increase your profits online.

Plus don’t forget:


The products
=============> are ALREADY
========================>made for YOU!

The sales pages
=============> are ALREADY
========================>made for YOU!

The download pages
=============> are ALREADY
========================>made for YOU!

All you have to do is create your own buy buttons and connect them all!


So that’s why you want to buy this NOW…..

Because of how EASY it makes getting used to putting up buy buttons on your own.

==>  Instant Funnel Lab!
(nothing to download
100s of products to choose from….
sales pages are INCLUDED!)

Use coupon code barbcoffee to take off big!

And if you want the bigger lowdown, behold!

Barb Ling here and this just went live and if you’ve ever been at a roadblock for profiting online….

You will WANT to get the following!  (really truly and honestly because it gives you, well, *everything* a sales funnel requires (even multiple products!)


The products are already made for you

The sales pages are already made for you

The download pages are already made for you

And that means….

All YOU do is select the products in your sales funnel, add your buy buttons, turn it on, and keep 100% of the profits!


==>  Instant Funnel Lab! (nothing to download, 100s of products to choose from…. sales pages are INCLUDED!

Use coupon code barbcoffee to take off big!

Your Benefits:  You get your hands on software that automatically creates *entire* sales funnels for you (and gives you 100s of products to choose from!) – you keep 100% of profits!


Brief, pithy and to the point…

Remember Instant Product Funnel – the thingee that let you create products on your own from 250K resources?

Well!  Behold the next generation….

… that already includes 100s of products you can choose from….


lets you create entire done for you sales funnels in less than 59 seconds!

And it’s sooo easy:


Choose Products for Your Funnel  (they let you pick from 100s of already done goodness!)


Add your PayPal information


Just One-Click To Publish It


Profit From Your New Funnel!

And here’s other benefits:

Lifetime Access To Instant Funnel Lab

Newbie Friendly One-Click Cash Funnel Creation


Create Sales Funnels With Products In Under 60 Seconds

Lite Version Allows You To Create TEN Sales Funnels Per Month

Access To Thousands of Digital Products To Build Your Funnel Round

Use These Funnels To Gain INSTANT Online Authority

No Need To Pay For Sales Funnel Creation Work Again

No Need To Pay Copywriters Ever Again

No Need To Pay For Expensive Design Work

No Need For Any More Expensive Tools or Softwares

Your Digital Funnels With Products Hosted On OUR Server For LIFE

YOUR Affiliate Links STUFFED Inside Your Finished Sales Funnels

YOUR Buy Buttons & Paypal Buttons Linked To YOUR FUNNELS

Zero Tech Skills Required

NO Website Required

Chance To Get FREE Viral Traffic With Your Digital Sales Funnels

List Building On Steroids! – Just Send Traffic!

Make Money With Your Sales Funnel Immediately

24/7 Access To The Instant Funnel Lab

Lifetime 365 Customer Support From Our US Based Support Team

For PRO Members Only:

Create 20 Sales Funnels With Done For You Products

Access To Our DELUX Library of Done For You Products

ZERO Monthly Fees (Launch Special ONLY!)

100x Your Earnings Potential With Pro Version

And the enhancements?

* Funnel Membership Club

* All in one List Builder!

* Bonus Page Creator

* Reseller License (all across the board!!!!)

==>  Start your journey here!

Use coupon code barbcoffee to take off big!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own $297 eMail Marketing mastermind course…

… complete with how I do email marketing that works!

Sounds good?    I think so – this software lets you create entire sales funnels without you making ANY of the components:

You don’t have to make the product…

You don’t have to make the sales page…

You don’t have to make the download page…

What’s not to adore?


Grow strong,

Barbara “More buy buttons!” Ling

PS  ==> Fresh!

Use coupon code barbcoffee to take off big!

PPS:  More questions?   Dive Into:

  • What exactly is Instant Funnel Lab?

Instant Funnel Lab is a cloud-based app that creates complete sales funnels for you in just minutes. With the click of your mouse, you’ll have a sales funnel up and ready to make you money in just 60 seconds.

  • I’ve seen site builders and funnel creators before… what’s different about this?

The big difference with this is that it actually works and it’s easy. When we say no coding or design… we mean it. With Instant Funnel Lab, all you have to do is click your mouse and you have a funnel ready to go in 60 seconds that will make you money.

  • Is this easy to use?

Yes, it’s extremely easy-to-use. You don’t need any technical skills, coding skills, or design experience, and you never have to write anything. If you can follow simple instructions and ‘point and click your mouse, you have everything you need to use this powerful, cloud-based software app.

  • Do I need to install anything?

No. There’s nothing to install because Instant Funnel Lab is securely hosted in the cloud, so you can access this from anywhere.

  • How exactly does this work?

It’s simple…

  • Choose the product want to include in your funnel
  • Add your PayPal information
  • Click Publish
  • And in less than a minute, you’ll have a COMPLETE sales funnel with a product that’s ready to make you money!
  • Is there a guarantee?

Yes, you get a full 30 days to put this to the test and make sure this is for you. If for any reason you’re not 100% satisfied, just let us know, and we’ll get you a prompt refund.

The only way you can lose is by missing out on this.

  •  How do I get started right now?

Click HERE!
Instant Access To Instant Funnel Lab…


Source: Virtual Coach


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