Hey there,
Barb Ling here and this just crossed my path:
==> LinkedIn Raider!
Your Benefits: You gain the insider scoop of profiting from being #1 in LinkedIn Search!
Brief, pithy and to the point:
Want the know the insiders tips on profiting from LinkedIn by ensuring YOUR offerings are always on the top?
Well then!
==> LinkedIn Raider!
Well then!
Here are the checklists I include in LinkedIn Local Raider:
Checklist 1: LinkedIn Profile Sales Machine
This checklist walks you through every step in creating a profile that generates 10-15 leads per week, including:
- Writing your profile like a sales letter to generate leads
- Getting your profile to the top of LinkedIn search
- Getting LinkedIn to recommend your profile to biz owners in your target market
If you’re already on LinkedIn, this checklist will become your profile makeover turning it into a lead generating machine.
If you are not currently on Linkedin, this will walk you through every step of setting up your profile and working on getting your first inbound lead.
==> What are you waiting for?
Checklist 2: 30-minute LinkedIn
lead generation routine
This checklist walks you through the 30-minute daily routine that fills your inbox with more leads than you can handle.
Every step to squeezing the most out of LinkedIn, including:
- Group posting and mailing schedule to pull in dozens of leads from every group you create
- 10 message sequence to convert contacts into clients
- Daily maintenance to keep your profile at the top of search and recommendations.
Just having an optimized profile is enough to generate 10-15 leads per week.
Following this checklist will more than double that count AND consistently turn those leads into paying clients.
Now there’s nothing stopping you from working more than 30 minutes each day in Linkedin. The more time you put into following this checklist, the more business, and income you will generate.
However, following these two checklists and working for 30 minutes is enough to build a 6-figure business in as little as 30 days.
I want to make sure you have everything you need to make the most out of your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is a massive opportunity when used properly and is the ONLY source of Leads you need in your business.
And so I have taken everything I have learned over the past few years selling on LinkedIn and compiled it into a hard-hitting guide.
This guide is a master class in LinkedIn marketing that will arm you with everything you need to build a 6 or 7 figure business.
LinkedIn Lead Generation Mastery Guide
LinkedIn Profile Mastery:
- Why you should NEVER use LinkedIn’s default job title – 90% of profiles make this mistake. Your job title is the headline for your sales letter. Written properly, you will double your click rate, boost your rank in LinkedIn’s search and get more prospects messaging you.
- Simple photo tricks you can do on your Android or iPhone to make your profile picture look professional and attract more businesses to connect with you.
- Why I always use this ‘photo tester’ service BEFORE changing my profile picture – Use this free service on EVERY photo you add to your LinkedIn profile to guarantee you are using the best one that gets the message across that you want. (this is important NOT just for LinkedIn but ANY time you use a photo. This includes on business cards, Facebook pages, Sales letters, or heck even dating sites.)
- How to use free stock images throughout your profile to boost your search rank AND increase engagement with your posts – Engagement is a BIG factor not only in getting your profile to the top of LinkedIn’s search but in getting biz owners to reach out to you. Use these free images throughout profile the right way to give you a boost (less than 10% of profiles use this trick, and you will leapfrog them immediately by adding these images)
- Why you need 501 connections and how to get them quickly – Fact: Linkedin publicly shows the number of connections you have, yet once you get to 501, it simply displays 500+. This could mean you have 501 contacts or 10,000,000 contacts to the biz owners who see it. You’ll appear to be as connected as me, tony robbins, or Tim Ferris who all show 500+ connections.
- Where I buy connections and endorsements – This course will show you how to organically build connections and endorsements, however, if you’re like me and want results fast you can buy endorsements for pennies. There are hundreds of gigs and services out there; however, I only use 2. The 2 I use will connect you with REAL people and work in the terms of service of Linkedin. DON’T put your profile at risk working with a bad vendor, stick to proven and honest vendors.
==> It’s waiting for you…
LinkedIn Search Mastery:
- The simple hack that ranks your profile to the top of Linkedin Search in under 3 minutes for ANY keyword – This is the craziest trick I have EVER seen, and almost NO ONE is doing this. This hack is the first step to get you ranked in search, and is the biggest factor in LinkedIn’s recommended profile system.
- Keyword strategies to attract the right clients – Use my quick formula to know what terms you want to rank for so you ONLY attract the business owners who will be eager to hire you and avoid the tire kickers who will only waste your time.
- How to get your LinkedIn Profile ranked in Google – Google sees LinkedIn as one of the most prominent authority sites in the world. I’ll show you how to get your profile ranked in Google search for your chosen keywords providing you with yet another source of traffic to increase your weekly lead count.
- Why you MUST choose your endorsed skill carefully – People can endorse your skills on LinkedIn, the skills you get endorsed for DRAMATICALLY impacts your rank in LinkedIn’s algorithm. Learn how to pick the right ones and make sure your contacts use them. DONT let your contacts choose them randomly
- How your chosen interests affect your LinkedIn In rank – Linkedin allows you to follow ‘personal interests’ similar to Facebook. The interests you choose will affect who LinkedIn connects you with (if they have similar or DIVERGENT interests). Picking the wrong interests will not only prevent you from showing up in their feed; it will turn off business owners from hiring with you if you pick the wrong ones.
LinkedIn Group Marketing Mastery:
- Full walkthrough on creating groups including how to get them ranked in LinkedIn’s search – Step by step instructions on creating groups that local biz owners WANT to be a part of and getting these groups to show up in their feed. Just by creating them with the right settings and the right keywords will get business owners joining daily.
- Advanced Tip: Make biz owners APPLY to join your groups – Instead of setting your groups open for anyone to join, make them an exclusive club that requires an application. This increases the group’s prestige making biz owners want it MORE, and eliminates spammers from entering. (PLUS during the application you will be collecting the biz owners information, opting them into a mailing list, AND finding out what troubles they are having in their business all in one swoop).
- How to generate the most number of leads with group mass messaging – Learn the weekly digest email I send out to every group that always pulls in leads for my consulting business. Warning: Sending the wrong email at the wrong time will cause group members to leave and flag your messages as spam. Learn to avoid this and keep your messages generating steady leads for years.
- How to moderate spam in your groups effectively – LinkedIn states that SPAM is the BIGGEST reason people leave groups. You’ll learn an easy way to prevent spammers and how to make the group self police and eliminate the spam problem making your groups one of the few that biz owners look forward too and recommend.
- Top group examples for you to join and learn from – Find out how the best groups do it, steal their content to use in your groups.
==> It’s still waiting for you…
Advanced LinkedIn Sales Mastery:
- The sneaky trick to connect with every employee in a company BEFORE you connect with the owner – I’ve landed Name brand companies as clients with this simple approach. Start by connecting with everyone in a company before you approach the owner or primary decision maker. They can provide you with introductions and social proof that is needed to land big contracts. You’ll learn the ins and outs of this advanced tactic used by big whale hunters (I’ve booked name brand fortune 500 companies I can’t mention utilizing this strategy.)
- How to use LinkedIn’s publishing platform to get clients – Creating content for LinkedIn is another untapped source of leads. You’ll learn how reposting infographics and outside articles can help sell your contacts. Add this to your weekly routine (or outsource it) to generate even more leads from your LinkedIn network.
- The funny first message I send to every contact that gets a 70% response – This ice breaker message will disarm your prospects and get them hooked into your 10 message sequence. Connecting with businesses on LinkedIn should be a friendly conversation instead of a cold sales pitch.
- The one-line question that doubled the response of my first message – I stole this idea from a message that I received on LinkedIn, and it has since DOUBLED the response I get from biz owners. (Biz owners just have to answer this and creates a FUN atmosphere for all future conversation)
- Simple hack in LinkedIn that allows you to send messages to people you are not connected with for free – I discovered a simple hack that will enable you to send a message to people you are not connected with. This only works on specific profiles, and you will learn a simple search trick to take full advantage of this exploit.
- The privacy setting you MUST turn off to prevent your leads from being stolen –Linkedin has a sidebar that shows ‘related contacts’ to whoever with viewing your profile.This is practically an advertisement for your competition and will send YOUR leads to other profiles.
It turns out that you can turn this ‘feature’ off. It’s a setting deep inside LinkedIn that took me months to find, and I’ll walk you through it in 5 minutes.
- Saved searches trick that gets fresh leads delivered to your inbox daily – There are powerful search tools inside of LinkedIn to find your perfect ideal client. Did you know that when you save these searches in a certain way, LinkedIn will do the search daily and deliver the results to your inbox? It’s like waking up every morning to fresh leads and business at no cost.
- Pro Tip: Always end your client relationships by writing them a review on LinkedIn (even if you landed them from another source) – When you write a review, it prompts them to write a review for you. This is the fastest way to get testimonials from clients AND helps boost you in LinkedIn’s search algorithm.
- Easy way to build a ‘company page’ even if you don’t have a company – YOU can create a personal company page on LinkedIn to increase your credibility, and you don’t need an actual company to do it. This trick helps boost your credibility in the local markets and being connected to a company does help you show up in other recommendations on LinkedIn.
==> It’s still waiting for you…
And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own
LinkedIn Marketing Strategy Pack
My *best* collections of LinkedIn Goodies today!
Sounds good? I think so – LInkedin can be a great sources for leads today…
Why not show up number one in them as well?
More soon…
Grow strong,
Barb Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
ps – Bonuses too!
Source: Virtual Coach
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