Barb Ling here and here be the latest ready for your consideration… This can be done via Pinterest to increase your affiliate marketing/list-building profits.
BENEFITS: You get 2 excellent high-valued goodies you can pin to your niche boards. Pin a zero cost image from Pixabay and have the destination link go to the made-for-you list builders; the followups will have your affiliate link embedded.
Obligatory joke: All that glitters… must be pinned!
Who should consider this: People who want to use Pinterest as a way to grow their bottom line (including their lists)
LINK: At end
Brief, pithy and to the point:
You might be aware that Pinterest banned affiliate links in 2015… but let them return 3 years ago.
Thus you can use Pinterest to profit via affiliate marketing… and that is good.
That’s not the only way you can profit via Pinterest, however.
You can also use Pinterest to grow your own niche list *and* bottom line as well!
There’s lots of places where you can find free images like Pixabay or Pexels etc….
You can then pin those images and specify the destination link is the optin for people to receive your goodie.
Not only that, but you can also then send followups with your affiliate links….
Thus essentially growing commissions from something you give freely away.
==> The sales page is geared to MMO, but think how you can add it into your long-term pinning strategy as well.
Want more info?
Well… You know, it’s been said…
When you lead with value – something many experts talk about but few actually do …
You INSTANTLY stand out from the crowd of pushy pinners & get instant trust from your audience.
By giving something away for zero cost – and NOT asking for ANYTHING in return …
You set yourself up for MASSIVE paydays both upfront AND long term.
And this goodie includes:
- TWO of their top-converting products of all time, that provide REAL solutions to a hungry market – to GIVE AWAY FOR Zero Cost
- FIVE proven-to-convert upsell offers for EACH free product
- Tested, winning sales pages that do the selling FOR you
- TWO automated softwares that make you landing pages AND banners
- FREE hosting for all your pages so you can do this with ZERO ongoing cost or technical hassle
- Free traffic methods BUILT-IN to the system
And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own
Pinterest Strategy Pack
My own collection of the best Pinterest resources out there!
Sounds good? Indeed – if you have yet to profit with Pinterest… perhaps… this might do the trick.
==> Walk This Way!
More soon…
Barb “More profits TODAY!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
ps – Bonuses too!
Source: Virtual Coach
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