RESEND: Zero Cost – Planning your best year… ever?

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and want you to have 2019 shine?

Well then!

==> Planning Your Best Year Ever!

Your Benefits: You get a fantastic planning guide for zero cost plus….

Brief, pithy and to the point:


Annual planning doesn’t necessarily need to be done at the end of or at the beginning of a calendar year. It can be done anytime, and should even be reviewed along the way.

This workbook will help you start thinking about next year and more!

The Step-by-Step Workbook Covers:

Review and Celebrate the Past 12 Months

Exercise: Then and Now List

Exercise: Create a Business Diary

Exercise: Create a “Yay Me” File

Understanding Your `Why’

Exercise: Understanding Your `Why’

Your Business Vision

Exercise: Short and Long-Term Business and Life Vision

Goal Setting

Exercise: Goal Setting

Breaking it Down: Your Year at a Glance

Exercise: Breaking Down Your Goals

Create Do-Able Tasks

Exercise: Create Do-Able Tasks

Resources You Need

Checklist: Resources You Need

Accountability & Support

Exercise: List the Support You Need

A Living Document

==> See for yourself here!

More soon….. enjoy!

Grow strong,

Barb “more buy buttons!” Ling

ps – it’s waiting for you…
Source: aWeber


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