(NOTE! This mornin’s goodies are awaiting you below but if you don’t like ’em, please do unsubscribe at – thanks!) .
| oOo ==> Doubling In Price less than 12 hours
| http://askbling.com/grocerystore
| BENEFITS: Software to create an ENTIRE
| amazon affiliate store instantly with your ID…
| for the highly popular Grocery/Gourmet Foods
| Department in Amazon!
I’m totally florbietoed. So tired.
Taught myself some new
tricks regarding solution
creation….. got myself then
to the gym, then made soup,
then collapsed in a heap and
am about to call it a night. So
But! Wondering what sorts
of excitements emerged today
in marketing land?
Wonder no more, here they are!
The key to unlock BIG profits in affiliate marketing is …
…knowing HOW to find the products
virtually guaranteed to appeal
to your list!
This teaches you that:
| oOo ==> Big Profits Affiliate Marketing
| http://askbling.com/affprofits
| BENEFITS: Find out the generally-not-
| shared ways power affiliate marketers
| choose products to promote!
And start to make it
happen for you!
(btw, don’t forget about
the upsells – they cover
other enhancements
to affiliate marketing
including targeted traffic,
eMail marketing AND
black belt product creation…
ALL of which master affiliate
marketers use (myself
Thinking about solution
Yesterday I heard about Sean
Mize’s latest, an audio goodie
on how to create products in
less than 2 hours. So I bought
and downloaded it and yep…
For those who like learning
by listening, it’s a tremendous
vale indeed!
One thing I really like, however,
are the enhancements you’re
also offered via the upsells. The
time they save and the value they
offer…. gold.
==> Everything is dimesale and rising fast!
The first upsell is PLR rights
to the product (yep – sell it
yourself and keep 100% of the
profits, and it’s on dimesale)
And the second upsell! It’s 21
days of followup emails you can
customize and use. You might
be aware that real money is made
not JUST from product sales
but also the customer care
followups you send… and this
one gives you 21 of ’em!
The last upsell, however, that’s
the real gem of this offer. It’s
139 MORE email followups….
Helpful tips/ideas/content
*done for you*. Just customize,
upload, and for 6 months after
people optin to YOUR list….
you’ll have the means to
delight, educate and sell to
your network.
This is ALSO dimesale and
NOT available on its own!
==> Catch that 150+ emails done for you?
So if you’d like to get the
insider scoop on creating products
in LESS than 2 hours (plus get
the tools to make your life far
far easier!)…
Check it out today.
You’ll love what you learn!
Don’t forget this
It’s Friday, no, it’s Saturday
morning and I created a zero
cost Ebola News goodie at
==> Ebola Informer
It’s a long story, but remember
that case study of list building
over at
I decided to add my own
tweakies to it… and the
Ebola Informer was what
resulted. More work to
be done on that, mind
you… but at least I *got it out*.
Which brings me to the next
point. One reason why so
many marketers fail these
days is because they dither
and dally over a lack of
Heck, I didn’t even finish
my followup autoresponder
sequence for this fweebie….
but I put it up anywhos!!
NEVER let a lack of perfection
stop you from moving forward.
‘Kay? Yay!
In other LingLand news, I’m
really missing my eldest….
while I want said eldest
to grow up and become the
person destined to be, the
missing is definitely there.
You can relate, right?
Got lots to share but first:
Do you agree? Why Occupy Hong Kong Leader Joshua Wong Would Make A Great Hire
Read to see what he did
with his FB account at age 15
as well.
And onto today!
Remember the fantastic
survivalism/ebola PLR I told
you about 2 days ago?
Did you know the creator
offers a LIFETIME deal for all
her goodies? She’s been
ghostwriter to the IM stars….
and yep. HIGHLY recommended.
| oOo ==> Tiff’s Lifetime PLR (one time payment)
| http://askbling.com/lifetimeplr
If you need to, see the full
reasons why over at
Full reasons why!
Don’t forget yesterdays:
First, there is a overstuffed
gorgeous Xmas PLR package over
==> Xmas Profits Online!
We’re talking:
3 Custom Designed Xmas Themes (built on Genesis!)
Mobile Responsive Designs
Pre-Loaded WP
30 High Quality Xmas PLR Articles
Professional Stock Images
ALL the source!
==> See for yourself how good it looks!
Justin’s latest….
==> Power of Habit PLR!
For a very short window (this weekend only),
he is offering an excellent
new self help PLR package for a crazy low price!
When you really think about it, a LOT of success
in life – family, business, finances, relationships
and so on… basically comes down to HABITS.
Good habits produce happy results.
Bad habits… well, we all know how that turns out
Helping people develop positive habits is one of
the most important step towards success in ANY
area of life.
With this 3 day PLR deal, you are getting a chance
to grab a done-for-you information product covering
exactly what it takes to form positive habits in
your life.
Here’s what this package includes:
– 6000 Word PLR eBook/Report
– 21 Step workbook
– 10 Part Habit Article Pack
– Mini Report (Lead Magnet)
– Squeeze Page
– Report Checklist
– Trainer Slide Deck
– Infographic [FULLY EDITABLE PSD]
– 30 Quote Posters [FULLY EDITABLE PSD]
– 10 Part Autoresponder
– Sales/Download Page with pre-written copy
==> Catch all that goodness?
I’ll WARN you now…
You cannot purchase this product anywhere else but
on this weekend deal. Justin does not typically sell
individual licenses to this product.
Do you know the one word
you MUST include in your
subject headings? It’s
something that causes a *cliffhanger*.
To wit, you opened this email,
Because I started out telling
you the ONE word you MUST
include to ensure your email
is opened.
The word can vary depending
upon your email, mind you,
but it has to cause a cliffhanger.
In this case, it was is….
Why? Because the reader
is primed to learn what will
*answer* that cliffhanger!
TO KNOW!!!!)
And we all want our emails
opened, right?
Using a cliffhanger (along
with ellipses and curiosity
and open loops) is one way
to definitely increase that.
As you’ve just experienced.
This is but one technique
==> Fearless eMail Marketing
You want to learn, *always*
but always go to the best.
*Especially* when said best….
has years of case studies (Ben
Adkins) or even (get this) oversees a popular
platform of the topic (Chuck Mullany,
creator of SendReach.com).
These two fine gentlemen
recently released
| oOo ==> (in video and PDF format plus:)
| http://askbling.com/drfearlesse
And I just spent quite some time
poring over it. Keep in mind this
is NOT your typical low-ticket
15 page report – this is a solid
course with insider tips by, well,
the experts in the field.
So let’s go!
This product is broken down
into 5 easily manageable topics:
Section 1: The Chuck Mullaney Method.
Section 2: The Dr Ben Method.
Section 3: The Holy Bleep! Email Hacks.
| http://askbling.com/drfearlesse
Section 4: Subject Line Swipe File
Section 5: The Social Email Cheat Sheet
Let’s pounce on Dr Ben’s smart ideas
today. It’s a quick PDF that’s packed
with techniques that not only will
increase your bottom line, but
are simple to implement to boot!
Chapters include:
Chapter 1: The Facebook Niche Email Sequence
Chapter 2: The Offline Prospect Conversion Method
Chapter 3: The Stale List Reviver Sequence
Chapter 4: The Giveaway Bonding Template
Chapter 5: The Buyer’s Listing Breakout Sequence
and the cool thing is…
This isn’t theory…. these are proven
methods he uses himself (I should know,
I’ve been following his marketing techniques
and reverse-engineering them now
for several years).
| Price is rising soon!
| http://askbling.com/drfearlesse
This section by itself makes
the course ridiculously underpriced
as does the first section I reviewed.
Now, remember Dr. Ben is
a known Facebook ListBuilding
expert (among other things)….
so you *know* you’re learning from
one of the best!
And to think… we only covered
2/5 of the course! Stay tuned
for the next installment where
I’ll walk you through the, and
I quote, Holy Bleep eMail Hacks!
(and again, I’ve been following
what he’s been doing now for
2+ years and yep – it just
plain *works*.
It’s Friday morning. I’m positive it
is. ‘Course, I was up at 10:30pm last
night until 12am and then got up again
today at 4am and ….
WAH. So nonoptimal right now.
I really hope you’re doing much better!
Yesterday, I just about completed my
first free WSO idea and then this
morning was seized by another concept.
So… I’m working on both at the same
time … I’m positive they’ll eventually
In other news, anger. Dealing with
anger. Quite the topic with one of
my kids. Going to research some of
the best ways; it breaks my heart
all of the emotions that bubble up.
Still, though, I went thru it decades
ago and am confident this too shall
Got lots to share but first:
HEADSUP! Google: Penguin Refresh May Come As Early As Next Week
Luckily for me, this won’t affect
me… make sure it doesn’t affect you!
And onto today!
Brief, pithy and to the point:
If you like PLR and ever wanted
to get into the survivalist niche…
You WANT to get this:
| oOo ==> $129 Worth of Survival Prepper PLR for just:
| http://askbling.com/tlsurvivor
Tiffany Lambert gathered up *all*
of her survival PLR and just added
a powerful book entitled
eBola Outbreak
Here’s the entire package:
Here’s what you get:
#1 – Ebola Outbreak eBook (Value $40)
40+-page, 15,227-word eBook
Ebola Outbreak: Prepare Now to Survive Later,
you’ll find the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Ebola Facts and Possibilities
Chapter 2: Plan for How You’ll Feed Your Family Chapter 3: Opt for Isolation as Much as Possible
Chapter 4: Safety and Protection in a Pandemic
Chapter 5: Treatment for Ailments to Avoid Hot Zones
Chapter 6: Keeping a Sterilized Environment
Chapter 7: Water Is Paramount to Your Survival
Chapter 8: What to Do If You See Symptoms
Chapter 9: Surviving an Ebola Economy Crash
Chapter 10: Other Virus Pandemics on Our Doorstep
This is is 40+-page, 15,227-word eBook that
comes in both Word and TXT formats.
| oOo ==> That’s only the beginning….
| http://askbling.com/tlsurvivor
By the way, depositphotos has GREAT
Ebola graphics if you want to make an
eCover. She bought a $1 one for her P
LR graphic like what you see in her book.
#2 – Pandemic Articles (Value $17)
1. Disinfecting Supplies to Stock Up on for Pandemics – 429 words
2. Buying Your Own Protective Gear for Pandemics – 465 words
3. Stock Up on Vitamins That Boost Your Immune System – 423 words
4. How to Quarantine Your Family During an Outbreak – 458 words
5. Start Building a Work at Home Business to Support Your Loved Ones – 482 words
6. Building a Separate Attachment for Quarantine Purposes – 431 words
7. Laundering Your Clothes By Hand – 462 words
8. Five Books on Survival You Should Order Before Your Internet Goes Out – 433 words
9. Do You Have a Generator to Keep Your Family Functioning? – 525 words
10. Preparing for Water Stores in the Event of a Pandemic – 498 words
11. Tracking Outbreaks to Protect Your Family from Danger – 457 words
12. Know How to Hunt and Fish for Your Family if a Pandemic Lasts Longer – 497 words
13. The Best Things to Have in Your First Aid Kit During a Pandemic – 524 words
14. How to Homeschool Your Kids in the Midst of a Pandemic – 582 words
15. Cover Your Family’s Hygiene Necessities for a Pandemic Isolation Period – 519 words
16. Is the Government Being Upfront About the Ebola Risks? – 588 words
17. Traveling Safely in a World of Ebola Breakouts – 476 words
| oOo ==> Catch #17?
| http://askbling.com/tlsurvivor
#3 – Survival Articles (Value $7)
1. What Is the Best Survival Gear for a Family to Have? – 456 words
2. Top 5 Outdoor Survival Gadgets to Consider – 432 words
3. What Goes Into an Emergency Preparedness Kit for Short Term Disasters? – 444 words
4. Survival Supplies You Should Begin Storing Long-Term – 546 words
5. Survival Guides for Any Situation – 450 words
6. The Best Way to Hone Your Survival Skills – 439 words
7. Knowing When It’s Time to Bug Out – 494 words
#4 – Survival Keyword List (Value $1)
A list of keywords for Survival Gear and Bugout Gear.
#5 – Survival-Prepper MEGA Pack (Value $58)
6-page report and 52 articles on Survivalist and Prepper topics.
Survivalist/Prepper Report:
Why Survivalist Planning Is Right for Everyone – 6 pages and 2,420 words. This is perfect to use any way you like – as an opt in freebie to build a list, as a viral report, or even broken up and put into article directories, blog posts, or an email autoresponder.
| oOo ==> Catch that megapack?
| http://askbling.com/tlsurvivor
52 Articles for the Survivalist and Prepper Niche:
Each article is a minimum of 400 words and covers various topics according to the keyword research I did on this market. They include both survivalist and prepper keyword phrases as well as a few homesteading phrases.
Here’s a rundown of the articles and word counts – and you can use this to cater to an email list once a week for an entire YEAR, or post them on a blog, in an article directory – even compile it into a report and sell it!
1. Tips on How to Shop for Survival Gear – 449 words
2. How Survival Straps Can Help You in an Emergency – 431 words
3. A Comparison of the Various Survival Knives You Can Buy – 466 words
4. What Goes Into a Very Basic Survival Kit? – 449 words
5. Survival Armor Is a Necessity for Violent Emergency Situations – 503 words
6. Comparing Survival Arms for Your Buying Consideration – 467 words
7. A Survival Backpack for Every Member of Your Family – 438 words
8. Are Survival Bunkers Necessary for Preparedness? – 462 words
9. A Survival Blanket Can Save Your Life – 435 words
10. Planning for Your Survival Camp – 599 words
11. What Kind of Survival Clothing Should You Pack? – 476 words
12. Living on a Survival Diet in a Pinch – 446 words
13. Survival Equipment Needed for a Campground – 520 words
14. Survival Food That Fits Nicely in Your Backpack – 430 words
15. What Goes Into a Survival First Aid Kit? – 567 words
16. Survival Fire Starter Options – 436 words
17. Choosing the Right Survival Shelters – 454 words
18. Continual Survival Training Keeps You Fully Prepared – 532 words
19. Which Survival Vehicles Should You Own? – 503 words
20. What Goes Into Your Survivalist Bug Out Bag? – 492 words
21. The Best Way to Learn Survivalist Skills – 487 words
22. Survivalist Seeds Are Vital to Long-Term Nutritional Needs – 430 words
23. Survivalists Versus Preppers – 493 words
24. Which Survivalist Water Supplies Do You Need? – 436 words
25. Prepper Homesteading Basics – 500 words
26. Prepper Supplies That Help You Become Self Sufficient – 514 words
27. Prepper Checklist for Cooking and Canning at Home – 461 words
28. A Guide to Storing Prepper Antibiotics – 441 words
29. Prepper Ammo and Firearms Storage – 509 words
30. Prepper Basics for Growing Your Own Garden – 444 words
31. Consider Joining a Prepper Community- 400 words
32. Prepper Food Storage Tips – 485 words
33. Planning Your Prepper Garden According to Your Region – 438 words
34. Prepper Inventory Software Helps Keep You Organized – 495 words
35. Raising Helpful, Happy Prepper Kids – 511 words
36. Are You Ready for the Prepper Lifestyle? – 588 words
37. Tips for a Prepper on a Budget – 419 words
38. The Importance of Prepper Night Vision – 400 words
39. Prepper Plans for Building a Home – 420 words
40. Which Prepper Recipes Should You Compile? – 440 words
41. Prepper Rice Storage – 430 words
42. Prepper Water Storage – 468 words
43. What Kind of Prepper Tools Should You Get? – 408 words
44. The Top 5 Prepper Vehicles You Can Own – 413 words
45. Prepper Vitamins for Optimal Health – 430 words
46. One Must-Have Survival Kitchen Tool Is a Prepper Vacuum Sealer – 431 words
47. Owning a Homesteading Chicken Coop – 429 words
48. Raising a Homesteading Dairy Cow – 442 words
49. Homesteading Electricity Options – 412 words
50. Homesteading in America – 414 words
51. Homesteading Must Haves – 473 words
52. Homesteading Acreage Options – 409 words
| oOo ==> 52 articles ==> 1 year of weekly content!
| http://askbling.com/tlsurvivor
#6 – Setting Up a Shipping Container Survival Home (Value $6)
It’s a 6-page, 2,410-word report that starts with a short introduction and then covers:
– What Is a Shipping Container Survival Home?
– Why Do Preppers Love This Option?
– Designing a Shipping Container Home for Your Needs
– How to Acquire the Shipping Containers You Need
– What You Can and Can’t Do With a Shipping Container Home
So if you’d like to get a powerful
headstart regarding the this topic….
Check it out today.
You’ll love what you’ll learn
(and own!)
Don’t forget our favs:
==> Create Cool Mobile Apps Lifetime Membership!
==> Special 1 Problem/1 Solution (my list only discount)
==> Hypergrowth ListBuilding Class
==> 37 Ways To Grab Leads (Zero cost!)
==> The Better Life Sequence (Zero cost!)
==> Zero cost affiliate training from the
super popular NAMS group:
==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets
==> 21 Powerful Copywriting Tips…. Zero cost!
==> Special 6 in 6 coaching $1 trial
==> Magpreneur Magazine App Builder
Thank you for bring on my list – I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates and will be sure
to touch base with you this afternoon
with all the latest goodies…
Grow strong,
Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Profitable
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| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 50 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| http://barbaraling.com/shows/btlace/
| Perking Up Profits!
| >> http://facebook.com/groups/perkingUpProfits
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BUSINESS CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: The sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another business connection to the providers of the products, goods and services that are contained within this message….and may be compensated when you buy from a provider. Always perform due diligence before buying anything online via the Internet…or offline, for that matter. An educated consumer rocks!
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- Feel free to mosey on over to
Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling
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