Special Discount: SO Cool: Easily rebrand pdfs with *your* affiliate links

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and this is so cool!

Recently, Dennis and I bought Easy Viral PDF Rebrander.

And its really nifty.

In a nutshell, it allows your affiliates to rebrand any report you create their *their* links…

… and then they can share this rebranded report with their network, their list, their everything….

… thus increasing the probability more and more people will buy!

You can even try it out via:


Rebrand the report with your affiliate link, give it away…

… and see how easy it is.

Not only that, but you can grab Easy Viral PDF Brander yourself over at:


It just plain *works*…. and wow….

Does it make it so much easier for your affiliates to start driving sales themselves.


Grow strong,

Barb more profits faster! Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Right now, EVP is being sold at a discount. Until now, its always been priced at $67 but this week – its only $27!
The price *will* increase after this discount period is over….

Try it today!
Source: aWeber


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