(NOTE! This mornin’s goodies are awaiting you below but if you don’t like ’em, please do unsubscribe at – thanks!)
| oOo ==> EasyBayPro! (developers rights included!)
| http://askbling.com/easybaypro
| BENEFITS: Adds eBay power monetization
| to your sites!
Wondering what sorts
of goodness emerged from
marketing land today?
Wonder no more – here
they are!
This just went live:
| oOo ==> EasyBayPro! (developers rights included!)
| http://askbling.com/easybaypro
Very cool – this takes advantage
of the eBay Partner network
so you can offer your visitors
*exactly* what they want to
see/buy (just like Amazon but
from eBay!)
| oOo ==> All in One eBay Partner Network!
| http://askbling.com/easybaypro
In a nutshell…it
Works with an location where
eBay does business, which is
great if you have international traffic
Dynamic Product Listings – EasyBay
Pro auto-updates products that have
expired and replaces them with new ones.
This means you won’t have to waste time
keeping track of products that you’re promoting
Insert As Many Listings As You Want
At A Single Time – With EasyBay Pro
you can promote as many products as
you’d like and your affiliate links
are automatically coded for you
| oOo ==> Catch that automatic?
| http://askbling.com/easybaypro
Real-Time Scarcity On Your Listings –
EasyBay Pro has a built-in countdown
timer that updates in real time for
each product you promote to increase
click-thrus and conversions
| oOo ==> Catch that scarcity?
| http://askbling.com/easybaypro
Looking to cash in on the mobile app
creation industry?
I sure am and I’m working my
way thru the video tutorials myself!!
To wit:
A Rare Opportunity that closes quickly –
Create UNLIMITED Native and HTML5 Apps –
By now you’ve likely heard about creating
apps for yourself, or for local businesses.
People are using them to make money like
crazy, but many require difficult programming,
or expensive outsourcing.
CreateCoolApps launched back in August of 2012
to help make things simpler, and members have
now published over 38,000 apps!
Many of her members are earning $50-$500+
a day with their apps.
| oOo ==> Catch that daily earning?
| http://askbling.com/ccoolapps
Amber’s support team is *amazing* (and gets
repeatedly told they have the best support team
of any app builder), and the system is constantly
growing and enhancing. She has templates
others don’t have, to help you build more.
Last year, Amber allowed me to send out a
special for my subscribers with a lifetime option,
and after a short time she closed it.
Well I have nudged her several times to ask
her to re-open it, even just for my subscribers,
and I finally convinced her.
| oOo ==> My list really appreciated the opportunity then!
| http://askbling.com/ccoolapps
But – this is exclusively for my subscribers and
members only!
So if you’re in the mobile apps industry…..
This is one of those thingees you simply
do NOT want to miss.
Check it out today!
Don’t forget this mornings:
Looking to master SEO
and understand what Google
would PREFER you not to realize?
Join Joe Finn and me at our
2pm EST Class tomorrow!
ZERO Cost SEO Class!
You’ll learn:
You Will Learn The Insiders Tips From Joe Finn About:
==> 3 Secrets Google Does NOT Want You To Know What is TODAY Working In SEO Ignore Google? Here’s WHY! MORE! EasyBayPro! (developers rights included!)
| http://askbling.com/easybaypro
Very cool – this takes advantage
of the eBay Partner network
so you can offer your visitors
*exactly* what they want to
see/buy (just like Amazon but
from eBay!)
| oOo ==> All in One eBay Partner Network!
| http://askbling.com/easybaypro
Don’t forget yesterdays:
’twas huge in 2013 and now
it’s bigger and better than ever!
| oOo ==> Entire FB Marketing Software!
| http://askbling.com/fanboom20
We’re talking powerful
features like:
Viral competitions
Lead magnets
Countdown timers
Facebook stores
Fully customized pages
…and so much more… all in one
slick, easy-to-use package.
| oOo ==> Catch those stores and countdown?
| http://askbling.com/fanboom20
And better yet – no coding required.
No SSL. No developers.
Looking for BellyFatByebye PLR?
==> HUGE content
This includes:
Introductory Report
eBook with 11 done-for-you covers
MiniSite Graphcis Sales Letters!
10 Original PLR!
Adwords Keywords Searches
20 Promotional/Informative Tweets
6 Banners
==> You’ll love those bonuses….
Next, want topquality PLR
that has an entire Income Funnel
built in for you?
==> Equestrian Fitness Income Funnel
You get:
A premium editable ebook
Complete sales funnel
Sales page
Thank you page
Download pages
10 Done For You PLR articles
Teaser presentation
Keypoint checklists!
Book reviews done for you
Competitive Keywords list
Affiliate rolodex!
==> Dimesale!
Don’t forget our favs:
==> Create Cool Mobile Apps Lifetime Membership!
==> Special 1 Problem/1 Solution (my list only discount)
==> 37 Ways To Grab Leads (Zero cost!)
==> The Better Life Sequence (Zero cost!)
==> Zero cost affiliate training from the
super popular NAMS group:
==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets
==> 21 Powerful Copywriting Tips…. Zero cost!
==> Special 6 in 6 coaching $1 trial
==> Magpreneur Magazine App Builder
Thank you for bring on my list – I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates and will be sure
to touch base with you this afternoon
with all the latest goodies…
Grow strong,
Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Profitable
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Date Subscribed:
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| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 50 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| http://barbaraling.com/shows/btlace/
| Perking Up Profits!
| >> http://facebook.com/groups/perkingUpProfits
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Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling
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