Barb Ling here and Sean Mize just alerted me to his latest:
==> Zero cost webbie today: How to Create a Signature Coaching Business With $1000, $3000 and $5000+++ training programs
Your Benefits: You gain fantastically grand insights from Sean Mize, coaching veteran extraordinaire
Obligatory marketing joke: Don’t spell part backward. It’s a trap. 🙂
Hey there,
Sean Mize is holding some rather awesome zero cost training today…
==> That you can reserve here!
and here’s all the deets:
From Sean himself:
“How would you like to eliminate the drudgery of creating products month after month, just to make enough sales to break even or maybe worse?
I have seen so many people work themselves ragged taking a chance on creating a product to promote to their list every month, only to find out no one even wants that product!
So you start again brainstorming, researching, creating – all the time hoping that someone will want it.
Then you have to market it, promote it and MAYBE it will sell, MAYBE!
I can show you a better way!
Eliminate ALL of that stuff – make MORE MONEY – Concentrate your efforts on this ONE strategy and enjoy your life again!
I would love to show you exactly how to do this in my free training course …
register here (put in affiliate link for the first webinar)
“How to Create a Signature Coaching Business With $1000, $3000 and $5000+++ training programs”
Where I will show you
How To Create YOUR Program In 5 Steps
Why This Concept Is Crucial To The Success Of Your Business
2 Components To Get Started NOW!
Why Selling Low Ticket Programs Are Bad For Your Business
The 2 Major Traffic Sources That Give Big Results
A Signature Coaching Business could seriously change not only your business, but your entire life.
This plan is extremely simple yet amazingly powerful and has the potential to exponentially increase the productivity of your business while DECREASING the hours that you work!
==> Space is limited!
More soon…
Barbara “More commissions” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator
==> Webbie is zero cost… but again, space is limited!
Source: aWeber
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