
Hey there,

Barb Ling here and very quickly…

Have you ever been told or have read …

… only *professionals* can write copy and you MUST pay them big bucks for it?

Well, if so I can truly understand. See…

… when you hear again and again that it’s an arcane mystical art, you immediately start telling yourself you *cannot* increase your sales on your own.

I used to think that way too. However, after going thru this current goodie…

I am confident in telling you that personal feeling is just plain *wrong*.

Dennis and I earlier released a *very* powerful evergreen copywriting course…

One at such an insanely low price, well…

It’s rather … insane.

Dennis had bought the rights to this goodie by Veteran Master Marketer Jason Fladlien and not only do you get easy-to-follow PDFs of the material…

You’ll *also* receive:




You’ll discover proven concepts (and how to do them!) like:

— Making life easy: Selling solutions and benefits people crave, not products

— Creating impossible to ignore hooks that make people shake their wallets at you

— Writing great sales letter “openers” to entice and intrigue

— and last but not least, to increase your ability to write great copy quickly: How to write sales letters in your head!

It’s a whole heap ‘o powerful goodness:


Told you it was quick!

Barb “More Commissions!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – PLR rights available as an enhancement! http://dabcoaching.com/ds/copywriting/
Source: aWeber


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