Viral PDF maker?

Hey there,

Dennis and I have some super news!

Let’s let him explain it:

“…Last month we ran a Warrior Plus offer
on how W+ affiliates could protect their
income and avoid the PayPal account
shutdowns that have become too frequent

For the limited market (just W+ affiliates)
it did OK. Not great. Not horrible.

But what surprised Dennis and me was the
success of one of the upsells, that Dennis
suggested we use as a test.

We offered a rebrandable version of the
report, so that buyers could insert their
own affiliate links into the report and
distribute it to their followers.

Keep in mind, it wasn’t PLR, so nothing
else except the affiliate links could be

It also wasn’t resell rights, but actually
it was more powerful than resell rights,
because buyers could resell as well as
profit from their affiliate links inside
the report.

Result: an extra $810.75 in sales.

It took me less than an hour to come up
with the idea, and create the rebrandable
version of the report, and a little bit
longer maybe to create the sales page.

So probably less than 2 hours in total.


But that’s actually just the beginning.

Now that others have that report, they’ll
obviously start distributing it to their
followers, and the links inside lead back
to some of our products.

(included in the links inside is a link to
purchase the rebrandable version of the
report itself). So that will cause the
distribution of the report, with our
links inside, to grow further.

The magic formula was our Easy Viral
PDF Brander software, which makes this
transformation from regular old report
to a rebrandable version so easy.

==> Behold the magic here!

First you take your regular report.

You then change the links that you
want your buyers to be able to change
(by using their affiliate links inside).

Then you create the PDF using Word or
Open Office.

Then you upload it to your server, and
insert a bit of code into a WordPress
post, which is where you send the people
you’re inviting to rebrand the report.

The code is generated by the EVPB software,
you don’t have to get techy or anything.

It takes longer to explain the process
than to do it, actually. 🙂

So from this quick test, I’ve decided
that we’ll be doing much more of this
in the future.

If you’d like the power, pick up Easy
Viral PDF Brander now. I’ve used other
branding software, but this one is the
best. It’s web based (on your server)
so it works on any browser (most of
the others only work on a PC desktop).

==> See how easy it is to use…

As a bonus, Dennis has created a rebrandable
version of his popular Starting From
Free ebook, which is 90+ pages and
sells on my site for $17.

Inside are links to the rebranding
software and our coaching programs,
and you can insert your own affiliate

You can either sell the report, or
include it as a bonus or as part of
a membership site. And if someone
makes a purchase from a link inside
the report, you earn a commission.

Of course, you can just read the
report if you like. We think it’s a pretty
important topic.

But the real power will be in the
fact that you have a rebrander and
can follow my lead in generating
not only income, but also making
your links inside the reports go
viral when others distribute their
version of your reports.

Create these reports, let others
distribute them and you’ll all

Sell them, or give them away for
free, it’s up to you. I’ve done both,
but I do like the sound of $810.75
for a couple hours work.

I love win-win scenarios like this.

EVPB is a one-time charge, believe
it or not, for something that will
bring you profits for a long time.

Once others start distributing your
report with their links, about the
only way you can stop the traffic
from coming to your site would be
to let your domain name expire.

==> Start your journey here!

Check this out today!

Grow strong,

Barb Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

==> It’s waiting for you …
Source: aWeber


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