Wellness PLR: Reiki Business in a Box (keep 100% of the profits

Hey there,
Barb Ling here and want you to see the latest business in a box (that means it comes with everything you need to sell it successfully on your own:

* Editable eBook

* Spiffy Sales Page

* Done for you Sales Video

* Followup Subscriber eMails

* More!

Well then!

==> Reiki PLR Business in a Box

Your benefits – you gain an entire done-for-you digital info product in a rockin’ niche!

Brief, pithy and to the point:
Were you aware of the following:

* Wellness is a $3.72 TRILLION global industry

* The fastest growing sub-sector of Wellness is Preventative/Personalized Medicine at 23.5% (Reiki is popularly called `energy medicine’).

* Year-on-year worldwide increase in keyword searches

* Strong profit-making sub niches for future products / courses

* 1 in 4 U.S. hospitals now offer complementary and alternative medicine therapies, including hospitals affiliated to Duke, Yale and other top research centers

* As of end of 2018, Reiki is in the top 7 of the world’s most popular alternative healing therapies

* The health and wellness niche has an audience that is 700% larger than the MMO niche, with just a 1/10th of the competition

Now you can take advantage of an entire “Business in a box” done for you goodie!

==> See everything you get here!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own

Repurpose PLR Strategy Pack

My own collection of the best How Tos for making PLR your own!

Sounds good? I think so – I’ve used businesses in boxes like this a number of times as quick and easy upsells, and wow, they work grand indeed.


Grow strong,

Barb “More Commissions!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Bonuses too!
Source: aWeber


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